Is the Intel iMac’s CPU upgradeable?
Posted by Helper Monkey
Macenstein reader F_Windows sent us a blurb on xlr8yourmac which claims the CPUs on the new Intel iMacs may in fact be upgradeable. An unconfirmed story in a Japanese magazine claims that one industrious fella not only successfully replaced the 1.8 GHz CPU his iMac shipped with with a 2GHz chip, but that the iMac’s CPU is not soldered on to the motherboard!
Now, we eye unconfirmed articles in Japanese Magazines with somewhat the same degree of suspicion as our friend’s “girlfriend in Canada no one has ever seen�. Still, this would be VERY cool if true, and it would imply the lifetime of the new batch of Intel Macs may be (somewhat) easily extended beyond their normal lifetime.
EDIT: It appears the new iMacs use the same simple socket connections as standard PCs, so while this report is likely true, it does not provide any overly exciting or new information.
I wonder ho wthe CPU upgrade companies like Sonnet will deal with the move to Intel.