Macenstein accurately predicts new PowerBook (MacBook) – get’s everything else wrong! - Macenstein

Macenstein accurately predicts new PowerBook (MacBook) – get’s everything else wrong!

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

OK, so another Macworld Keynote has come and gone, and now it is time begin the usually depressing process of sifting through our predictions and sorting out what we got right, and what we got wrong.

This year, we made 7 predictions for Macworld, then added an 8th when we predicted new PowerBooks would also be announced.
(see Macenstein’s 2006 Macworld predictions, and UPDATE: New PowerBooks at Macworld!)

So, how did we do? Let’s take a look!

What we got right:

New PowerBook (Macbook Pro). In fact, we are one of the few sites we have seen that accurately predicted it would be the PowerBook, not the iBook, that received the first portable upgrade. New intelligence we received over the weekend led to our Sunday posting on the subject. A couple hours before the Keynote began, Kevin Rose accurately posted that a MacBook and photocasting were in the cards. We both predicted the 15-inch model would be the first shipping model. Macenstein also went so far as to accurately predict the speed and graphics card of the MacBook (PowerBook, MacBook will take a LOT of getting used to).

However, the real winner this year has got to be AppleInsider, hands down. They predicted the both iMac and the 15-inch PowerBook might appear at Macworld back in November, and then confirmed this earlier this morning.

What we got wrong:

Everything Else.

Oh well.
We are not alone.
This was a very tricky Macworld, and almost every rumor site was wrong this time around. Sure we got the iLife and iWork updates there, but we did not have specifics, those were just educated guesses. Aside from AppleInsider, no one predicted Intel iMacs, and no one provided any specifics about any iApps or the like. The new iWeb app was leaked accidentally by Apple’s own web staff, so the credit there goes to an anonymous forum poster. Almost all the other sites predicted Intel Mac minis and iBooks, as well as a new shuffle (here at least we retracted our shuffle prediction). Often sites will predict almost anything at some point during the year in order to be able to go back and claim they knew something, yet this year, no one beside AppleInsider deserves that right.

Out of all our predictions, the one we are most surprised about was the lack of an announcement with FOX over content for the iTunes store. That appeared to be a sure thing. Oh well. There’s always March…

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