Apple discontinues the PowerPC Mac mini - Macenstein

Apple discontinues the PowerPC Mac mini

Posted by Lab Rat

Apple has removed the PowerPC-based Mac mini from its online store after unveiling the new Intel Mac mini earlier today. Apple has continued to offer the G5 versions of their iMac (while supplies last) alongside their Intel counterparts, but apparently Apple planned the Intel mini’s release to better coincide with existing mini inventory.

3 Responses to “Apple discontinues the PowerPC Mac mini”
  1. Abraham Lincoln says:

    I wonder if all those cry baby G5 iMac fans are going to now say they are upset there is no more PPC mac mini.

    You PPC fans might as well be Amish!

  2. evil genius says:

    i wonder if people or companies will be offloading their PPC minis to make room for the intel version. I would gladly take some ‘for the greater good’

  3. Hooskerdo says:

    Discount the rest of the PPC mini’s and make me real happy with an awesome Mac at a barging price!!

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