Dress for Success: The Steve Jobs Wardrobe - Macenstein

Dress for Success: The Steve Jobs Wardrobe

Posted by iGor

The only thing predictable about Steve Jobs’ keynote speeches is what he will be wearing. His classic black mock-turtleneck, jeans and sneakers have pretty much become his uniform. I sort of envision his closet looking similar to one I recall from an old episode of Inspector Gadget, which was just full of the same trademark trench coat and hat.

Well, Steve’s dress-down style of work attire has garnered him over $3 billion dollars or so so far. If you are hoping to one day mimic Steve’s wild success, maybe the first step should be to start dressing the part.

A new website called Steve’s Outfit has links to the 3 main pieces of Steve’s wardrobe; the mock-turtleneck ($155), jeans ($138) and New Balance sneakers ($130). Sure, you can find similar items for less, but is that what Steve would do?

Hey, you gotta spend money to make money, right?

One Response to “Dress for Success: The Steve Jobs Wardrobe”
  1. Tuna Helper says:

    They should also sell the iPod. He seems to always have one of those with him.

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