iTunes: 5 free episodes of O’Grady - Macenstein

iTunes: 5 free episodes of O’Grady

Posted by Helper Monkey

Now available on iTunes (FOR FREE), the first 5 episodes of the 2nd season of the awesome animated series O’Grady. O’Grady is Noggin’s first original animated program, and centers around the “weirdness� that surrounds 4 high school students and the town they live in.

The free episodes available are: JERKED, VACATION, BIG JERK ON CAMPUS, THE FLY, and A STRANGER O’GRADY. The animated series from Noggin features celebrity voices such as Conan O’Brien, Rachel Dratch, Amy Poehler, David Cross, and Will Arnet.

O’Grady is one of those rare shows actually worth PAYING for, so this is a sweet deal. I encourage everyone to check the series out.

[UPDATE:] Apple briefly had all 5 episodes free, then relisted each episode at $1.99, and offered the entire season for $1.99 as well. Now the entire season is listed at $10.99, and each episode is $1.99. Congrats to all who got in early and capitalized on this Apple snafu!

2 Responses to “iTunes: 5 free episodes of O’Grady”
  1. Rus says:

    Dang … i was hoping this was filmed or taped court drama for Apple vs OGrady

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