So why haven’t we seen the iPhone’s camera? - Macenstein

So why haven’t we seen the iPhone’s camera?

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Apple has now posted 5 flashy commercials and a whopping 20 minute video “guided tour” on how to use the majority of the iPhone’s features. However, there is one aspect of the über device that has thus far gone undocumented: The camera.

With just 4 days left until the launch, we still have no idea how the camera interface looks, acts, or how to use it. For all we know it might even be able to take video, or have some stripped down Photo Booth effects. We just don’t know.

You would think, given the iPhone’s highly publicized e-mail capabilities, we would have at least seen 30 seconds of the iPhone video guided tour devoted to snapping a picture, attaching it to an e-mail, and sending it off to grandma. But no, sadly, Apple chose to go (way) in-depth into the Options screen, and we are left to use our (rather fertile) imaginations.

Now, I know the iPhone only has a 2 megapixel camera, so maybe Apple doesn’t really want to call attention to the fact that it even HAS a camera, but let’s be honest. 2 megapixles is still a decent size for e-mailing quick shots, and anything larger taken with a dime-sized lens would be a waste.

So why is Apple being so secretive about the iPhone’s camera? 4 more days…

8 Responses to “So why haven’t we seen the iPhone’s camera?”
  1. Two megapixels is more than adequate for posting shots to the Web.

  2. I think it’s a waste for Apple for not having installed a better camera! Most of the phones with camera you find today have a 2 megapixel camera and while saying that the iPhone is revolutionary and way ahead of anything any phone or smartphone has to offer, it’s a pitty that they didn’t give just that bit of extra that would make it perfect.

  3. Chaz Mangus says:

    The Reason we have not seen things such as the Camera UI is because apple is using this to further the Internet buzz you know that apple has done the Camera phone right for instance i have own many cell phones as most people have quality and ease of use is one of my big things there is no cell phone out there that has a even Okay cell phone UI i can’t wait to see apples i am sure it will be very impressive

  4. Shawn King says:

    “we still have no idea how the camera interface looks, acts, or how to use it.”

    You push the Camera icon from the Home screen and the screen shows you the image – sounds logical, doesn’t it? 🙂

    “For all we know it might even be able to take video, or have some stripped down Photo Booth effects.”

    It does none of the above.

    “I think it’s a waste for Apple for not having installed a better camera!”

    They will – in version 2.0 or 3.0 or… 🙂

    “i am sure it will be very impressive”

    I’m betting you’ll have to be easily impressed. 🙂

    There’s no flash for the iPhone and picture quality will be…well…typical for a 2 meg camera phone. In other words, nothing spectacular.

  5. Rick says:

    I think it hasn’t been touted because it will be a pleasant surprise to “discover” unadvertised aspects of the phone. Photobooth effects would be a lot of fun for people to putz around with. Those pics will show up everywhere.

  6. Michael says:

    speaking of not being published yet… We haven’t seen any pictures of Calendar program within the iPhone yet either.

  7. Shawn King says:

    “I think it hasn’t been touted because it will be a pleasant surprise to “discover” unadvertised aspects of the phone.”

    Ummm…believe me…I’ve used it…there are no “unadvertised aspects of the phone”.

    “Photobooth effects would be a lot of fun for people to putz around with.”

    They would – but there is no Photobooth functionality to the iPhone.

  8. Nerg says:

    There’s a slide show of pictures taken with iphone here

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