6 degrees of Steve Jobs: Round 6 – Cousin Oliver - Macenstein

6 degrees of Steve Jobs: Round 6 – Cousin Oliver

Steve Jobs enjoys a unique position among technology leaders in that he has strong ties to the entertainment industry as well. Because of these ties, we feel it may be possible to link Steve Jobs to almost every famous person in history (except, oddly enough, Kevin Bacon) through a series of past events. To test this theory (and pass the time on slow news days), we have created the 6 Degrees of Steve game.

Let’s play!

Alright, Round 6 both stretches the definition of celebrity and dates the good Doctor a bit.

Can you link Steve Jobs to Cousin Oliver from The Brady Bunch?

For those that do not remember Cousin Oliver, he is the Scrappy-Doo of The Brady Bunch. For those of you who do not remember Scrappy-Doo, I envy you, and suggest you do not look him up.

Remember, you have to do it in 6 steps or less. Points awarded for creativity and obscurity (and somehow I think the obscurity part won’t be a problem).

Good luck!

10 Responses to “6 degrees of Steve Jobs: Round 6 – Cousin Oliver”
  1. Now that I look at him, cousin Oliver actually bears a striking resemblance to our round 5 celebrity, Ralph Wiggum. Sorry about that.

    -The Doc

  2. greg says:

    OWWW! that reference was so obscure my head almost exploded! give me a minute here…

  3. Mike Ross says:

    1. Cousin Oliver (aka Robbie Rist) starred as the voice of Michelangelo in the live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which featured an uncredited Skeet Ulrich.

    2. Skeet Ulrich starred in Scream, which featured GhostFace phone-voice guy.

    3. GhostFace phone-voice guy was the voice of the translator device in Mars Attacks, which featured Natalie Portman.

    4. Natalie Portman starred in Star Wars Episodes I – III, featuring Samuel L. Jackson.

    5. Samuel L. Jackson starred in The Incredibles, produced by Steve Jobs.

  4. Rowlings says:

    1) Oliver was with with Eve Plumb (Jan) on Brady Bunch
    2) Eve Plumb on an episode of Wonder Woman with Linda Carter
    3) Linda Carter was in Sky High with Kurt Russel
    4) Kurt Russel was a voice in the Fox and the Hound (Disney)
    5) Steve Jobs owns Disney.

  5. Brett says:

    hmmm…. getting more obscure, that’s for sure. but still not too hard…

    1. Robbie Rist (aka Cousin Oliver) was in “Stump the Band” with Carl Ciarfalio
    2. Carl Ciarfalio was in “The Whole Ten Yards” with Ned Bellamy
    3. Ned Bellamy was in “Antitrust” with Scott McNealy
    4. Scott McNealy and Steve Jobs both appeared in “Nerds 2.01: A Brief History of the Internet”

  6. Kevin says:

    1) Oliver was on “The Brady Bunch” with Maureen McCormick.
    2) Maureen McCormick was on “Son of the Beach” which starred Timothy Stack.
    3) Timothy Stack is on the show ” My Name is Earl” which stars Jason Lee
    4) Jason Lee provided the voice for Syndrome in “The Incredibles” which was made by Steve Jobs’ Pixar.

  7. Brian says:

    1) Oliver is actually Steve Jobs

  8. Cactus Jack says:

    hmmm, well they WERE both orphans… Brian might be on to something.

  9. magicmoof says:

    It’s tough not to go through Brady channels where Mr. Rist is concerned, but here’s an alternate route…

    1. Robbie Rist went on to portray the mysterious Dr. Zee, a genius, child-like scientist that was born in space on Galactica 1980

    2. Strangely, Galactica 1980 also starred Robert Reed (a.k.a. Mr. Brady) as a nuclear physicist.

    3. Robert Reed played the Dad of Peter Brady, actor Christopher Knight

    4. Christopher Knight was on The Surreal Life, Season 4 which also features Kathy Griffin driving the “celebs” around in a limo.

    5. Kathy Griffin is believed to be dating Steve Wozniak

    6. Steve Wozniack and Steve Jobs co-founded Apple Computer Inc.

  10. Barry says:

    1. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple with Steve Wozniak
    2. Steve Wozniak consorts with Kathy Griffin
    3. Kathy Griffin co-starred with Rick Springfield in an episode of Suddenly Susan
    4. Rick Springfield co-starred with Lorne Greene in Battelstar Galactica
    5. Lorne Greene co-starred with Robbie Rist in Battlestar Galactica 1980

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