We have a winner! Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month Casting Call Winner announced!

Wow. The Mac Chick of the Month Casting Call turned out to be a wild success, bringing in close to a year’s worth of entries from Mac-loving women from all walks of life! We’d like to thank all of the beautiful, Mac-loving women who entered the contest, and we’d also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our favorite iPod/iPhone case maker, Incipio, who was nice enough to sponsor the contest. If you like the Mac chick feature, please check them out and show them some love.
The competition was extremely tough, but luckily our esteemed panel of 13 judges were up to the challenge. While we wish that all the girls who entered could have won, much like Highlander, in the end there can be only one (well, two, technically, as we do have a runner up prize). In the coming month you will see all these wonderful Mac-loving girls (as well as some others from outside the US who were unfortunately not eligible for this contest) showcased in their own features, but let’s get a brief introduction to our first and second place winners.
Our grand prize winner is Morgan, a NY-based model and long time Mac user who you will see in a mere matter of days as our Miss December 2007. As the grand prize winner, Morgan had a choice between an 8 GB iPhone and a 16 GB iPod touch, and she chose the touch. We’ll be rushing that out to her ASAP. Congrats, Morgan!
Coming in an extremely close 2nd is our runner up Cara, a San Diego college student as well as a Mac nut. Incipio was nice enough to come up with an iPod shuffle for our 2nd place winner, and we’ll be sending Cara a shuffle in the color of her choice very soon. Look for her to be featured some time early next year.
So thanks again to all our entrants and our sponsor, Incipio. And most importantly, thanks to our readers, who have been writing us incessantly asking when the December Mac Chick will be going up. It is because of those e-mails that we have found the strength to continue to scour the internet for beautiful women who loves Macs. It’s a tough job, and we couldn’t do this without your support.
Hey guys (you know who you are), how about equal time for all the mac chicks out there by having a Mac Chap of the Month?!? Might not be my cup o’joe but fair’s fair now.
Mr Clicky,
Oddly enough, your’s is not the first request we’ve received for a Mac Chap of the Month. Although yours IS the first we’ve received from a guy… For now, I think we’re going to file that in the “maybe” pile.
But thanks for reading Macenstein!
-The Doc
congratulations to all the winners, can’t wait for miss december to go up!
Just show me the picturez!
Actually Doc it’ll just provide me with justification for checking back each month (but Dear, I was just checking for you…)