Oh… so THAT’s where Steve got the reality distortion field from - Macenstein

Oh… so THAT’s where Steve got the reality distortion field from

While Steve Jobs’ biological parents have been well documented, faithful Macesntein reader Marcelo Alves has come up with an interesting theory on the origin of Steve’s reality distortion field:

(first, English isn’t my native language)
Well, Albert Hofmann, the creator of LSD died today (102 years, died by a heart attack 🙁 ). Don’t you think he looks like a Steve’s father or older brother?

Maybe Mr. Hofmann made the Reality Distortion Field for Steve.

Hmmm.. Well, there definitely is a resemblance. Although, to suggest that somehow Steve’s Reality Distortion Field is linked to LSD, well, that’s just crazy. Everyone knows Steve’s RDF is much more powerful a hallucinogen than LSD, and in fact is the primary reason New York (with its tougher drug laws than that “hippie-friendly California) banned him from attending NYC Macworlds.

On the plus side, though, if Marcelo is somehow correct and Hofmann is in fact Steve’s father, then hopefully Steve will enjoy the same 100+ years lifespan. Must have been all that clean living. So here’s to another 45 years of Steve heading Apple! (Sorry Schiller).

2 Responses to “Oh… so THAT’s where Steve got the reality distortion field from”
  1. David Syzdek says:

    Obviously the same guy. Obviously.

  2. Savas says:

    If I didn’t know I’d say it was Jobs

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