Mad Magazine introduces: Calvin and Jobs - Macenstein

Mad Magazine introduces: Calvin and Jobs

Hey, remember Calvin and Hobbes, the wonderfully funny comic from the 90’s that told the story of 6-year old Calvin and his adventures with his stuffed Tiger Hobbes? No? Well, you know that little cartoon character that is looking over his shoulder while peeing that pick-up trucks have on their back window? THAT’S Calvin!

Anyway, Mad Magazine is hoping someone remembers Calvin and Hobbes, as this month in their “Summer Super Heroes” issue they are debuting their “Calvin and Jobs” strip, in which Calvin’s imaginary Tiger has been replaced with Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Like most Mad Magazine features, the premise is funnier than the execution, but still, good for some laughs.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Bill for the link [via Flickr]

8 Responses to “Mad Magazine introduces: Calvin and Jobs”
  1. metalman777 says:

    Those are great! I’ve been a huge Calvin and Hobbes fan since its inception and these are one of the first cartoon parodies I’ve seen that almost capture it’s spirit!

    Maybe I should subscribe to MAD magazine again…haven’t read one of them since I was 12…

    By the way, those stickers in the back of people’s car windows…that ain’t Calvin!! I refuse to recognize it….Calvin would never do that….(sorry, I’m too much of a Calvin and Hobbes purist)

  2. oatmeal says:

    Watterson, as I understand it, hated those things but wasn’t able to do anything to stop them being produced or sold. Neither he nor his estate ever received a dime for them.

  3. ndeplume says:

    What’s particularly humorous is that the mouth-breathing rednecks seen sporting those “calvin” stickers on their vehicles could never actually understand or appreciate a Calvin & Hobbes strip. The philosophical depth is beyond them.

  4. auramac says:

    I’m a fan of Calvin & Hobbes, but a bigger fan of Apple and Steve Jobs- I also don’t think the “message” here is accurate. They could’ve done something accurate And funny.

  5. Guy says:

    Neither he nor his estate

    Um, Watterson isn’t dead.

  6. Savage says:

    Wrong perception of our dearest Steve.

  7. Brian Deuel says:

    Sheesh. Get a sense of humor, some of you. I’m also an admirer of Apple and Steve Jobs, and find these pretty funny. Even if you don’t find them funny, it’s nice to see some of the people we admire get taken down a few pegs. They are, after all, human, as we are.

  8. Kris says:

    Perfect depiction of Jobs! (If you’re not a fanboy.)
    Could have been funnier if they’d copied the jokes as well as the visual style.

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