The Contra Code will outlive us all - Macenstein

The Contra Code will outlive us all

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. The equivalent of a secret handshake for video game nerds, the “Contra Code”, as it’s known, is the most famous cheat code of all time, and therefore it should not be surprising to find that it has made its way onto the iPhone. The puzzle game FLIP by eBattalion has adapted the infamous cheat to the iPhone’s touch screen interface รขโ‚ฌโ€œ the trick being you use finger swipes for the directions, and you draw the letters with your fingers (starting from the bottom left corner of the screen). When properly executed, it will unlock all the levels in FLIP’s “Puzzle” and “Speed” modes.

It would be nice if using the code gave you 30 lives and a ton of cool weapons, but hey, unlocking levels is cool too. Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Phil for the tip!

7 Responses to “The Contra Code will outlive us all”
  1. iShervin says:

    WOW. amazing… how can he figure that out! even tho up and down is acceptable but typing B and A… just WOW man!!!

  2. Lars Beduhn says:

    By the waaaaay…. how about the even-about-as-maybe-even-more-infamous cheat code

    “i d d q d” ?!…

  3. Justin says:

    Wasn’t there another code…well the same code, but at the end you do select – start? iddqd was a doom code for invincibility?

  4. Jim says:

    Arguably more (in)famous, and possibly the original widely-known, would be x-y-z-z-y, but I wouldn’t expect the damn kids today — ๐Ÿ™‚ — to know that one.

  5. odin says:

    Do I get a laser gun now?

  6. Dropd says:

    wow jim do u still play that cave game? cuz damn thats old…
    I think i played that on my pc jr.

  7. Mibrilane says:

    Once when I was doing tech support over the phone, I had the customer enter “xyzzy” at the command prompt. When they said “nothing happens” it was magical.

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