Jonathan Ive discusses designing the Dell Adamo - Macenstein

Jonathan Ive discusses designing the Dell Adamo

Inspired by our post on the new Dell MacBook Pro Adamo, faithful Macenstein reader Ziv Kitaro whipped up this awesome video outlining the Adamo’s design process.

Thanks Ziv!

9 Responses to “Jonathan Ive discusses designing the Dell Adamo”
  1. Nathan says:

    Holy crap, already!?! This was even faster turnaround than Songsmith’s ad…

  2. Ziv Kitaro says:

    Thanks Dr. Macenstein 🙂
    (and it’s Kitaro, not Kitar, but that’s ok)


  3. Mat says:

    The Adamo goes a certain way to address the disparity in the design between the MacBooks and Dell laptops, but its not until you put them side by side or are familiar with the MacBook design that you begin to see the similarities. My wife watched the original Adamo video over my shoulder, and towards the end she was like “oooh nice, wait what the hell is that lip thing at the back??? Oh, its a Dell, wait, dude, what?!”

    It’s good that Dell are up-ing their game and actually employing laptop designers, rather than doing mock-ups in MS Paint (not that I’m knocking MS Paint) and then sending the resulting images to the factory, but unfortunately the ultimate design is still ass-backwards. Am I the only one who thinks that putting the ports on the back of a laptop is impossibly frustrating?

  4. Terry says:

    No way will the Adamo have the fit and finish of a MBP Unibody. Have you seen Dells studio series the Dell buyers are swooning over? Crappy, plasticky poor fit and finish. Plus why would you buy a Dell anyway when you can get the real thing?

  5. Teegan says:

    I agree that putting the ports on the back is stupid, but putting all the ports on one side is annoying too.

    Normally I use: the power cord, Firewire 800, 1 of the usb ports (which is how I plug my hub in), the external display port, and I use the audio out port. Earlier today I had a some what embarrassing experience while trying to plug a usb flash drive into the second port – it took me much longer than it should have.
    Why? cause all my cables are now coming out of one side! and there is not much room – especially since the mini-DV to DV adapter is sitting right there taking up all the space!

    I really like my MBP but all the ports on one side can be cumbersome…

  6. Teegan says:

    *DV and miniDV should read DVI and miniDVI respectively.

  7. iShervin says:

    i bet you the back of this amadostupid thingi is plastic! we will see….

  8. Skippy says:

    You should of have an (as usual) Blue screen of Death at the end, that would have looked more “normal” for to the wonderful worlds of Windows.. Ah looks like a fake (:

  9. alex says:


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