Seriously, I just noticed this
Yeah, I don’t RTFM, so sue me. And if you don’t either, then maybe you didn’t notice you could do this in iOS 4 either.
One of the things I was missing most in iOS 4 is that in the “old days” or iOS 3 is that you could double click the HOME button on the iPhone to bring up the iPod’s music players controller when inside another app. This was a nice time saver and a necessity before iOS4’s multi-tasking allowed you to pick up (more or less) where you left off in an app. However, while double-tapping the Home Button in iOS 4 brings up the list of recently used apps, including the iPod, having to click on the iPod, then skip a track or fast forward or such, then switch back to the app was still a step back from the ease of use I had before.
However, I just finally realized this trick today, and figured I’d share it at the risk of everyone telling me they’ve know about it forever. That’s right, I’m willing to take the geek ego hit if it helps just one of you.

So here it is. Say you’re inside an app, listening to a podcast or something, and you want to skip an ad, but don’t want to exit the game. Just double tap the HOME button to bring up the list of running/paused/whatever they call them apps…

Now you can pause, or skip, or hold down and fast forward through a commercial without leaving your game. When done, just tap back anywhere in the game to resume. It’s pretty sweet, and I wish someone told me about it a few weeks ago.
======UPDATE =======
Geez guys, let me have it why don’t you.
Well, I still say there will be SOMEONE who didn’t know about this – probably an 80 year old former librarian or something who wins an iPhone 4 in a church raffle. And to her I say, “You’re welcome, Edna. ”
– The Doc
> It’s pretty sweet, and I wish someone told me about it a few weeks ago.
I think Steve did at the iOS 4 announcement.
Did you know you can voice dial (hold down home) from the lock screen without unlocking the phone??
actually i don’t think steve mentioned this.
this is also where the orientation lock is located.
a lot of people wondered how we would be able to control iTunes w/out double tapping home – or get to phone favorites. if the phone is in standby, you can double tap for iTunes control though.
I have found that there are a couple of apps that this nice trick doesn’t work on, one of them being real soccer 10, where the controls are grayed out. Real Soccer 10 does have its own controls ingame, but they take you to the beginning of your song list.
When you’re playing music and the iPhone is locked, double tapping the home button from the lock screen will pull up the old iTunes controls so you can control it without having to unlock first.
Everybody knew, Doc. Everybody. 😛
Sorry Doc, and you call yourself a fanboy 😉 it was in Steve’s announcement! The other cool thing about it is that the controls work for any app that uses the background audio APIs, so if you’re listening to Spotify, then the audio controls work for that app 🙂
And by the way, the circular arrow button isn’t a repeat function for the iPod like you might think. It’s actually a screen orientation lock.
I can’t believe you didn’t know this.
But guess it was never addressed so…
Geez guys, let me have it why don’t you.
Well, I still say there will be SOMEONE who didn’t know about this – probably an 80 year old former librarian or something who wins an iPhone 4 in a church raffle. And to her I say, “You’re welcome, Edna. ”
– The Doc
Doc, I didn’t know and I really appreciate you pointing out!
I didn’t know either… but that’s because I’m still waiting for a free iPhone in the Apple store 🙂
Even the best of us overlook or miss some of the details from time to time, there’s no harm in that. Just in case anyone else overlooked it, the controls will also function for Pandora (the iPod icon is also changed to Pandora’s) if you are listening to it rather than the iPod. There may be other music apps that do the same but I don’t use any others.
Or, after double-clicking the home button to see recent / background apps, rather than sweeping multiple times to the right, you could sweep one time to the left.
Well Doc,
if it makes you feel better, sometimes after I played with a toy for a while, I’ll finally read the instruction manual for it and find something new.
You’re such a sweetie. I’m so glad that you figured this out for me. I have a bake sale that I’m making some cookies for this coming Lord’s day, and I would just love to set a few aside for you. Such a nice young man. Now, if you really want to make an old lady happy, I’ll give you a quarter if you’ll rub my bunions.
Thank you,
Edna May Springer
Sounds a 80 year old former librarian kidnapped Doc! We need to send him some help. Well, actually I’ve figured out something new with Maps just recently. Doc or the librarian pretending to be Doc, this will blow your mind:
1-handed Maps zoom out:
LOL @Edna.
Personally I think the double-tap screen should also have the music controls (without swiping to another screen) and quit / kill button for current app. Time to write
Thank you VERY much. I also never RTFM either. I really like this tip. Thanks again.
Not only do you not know how to use iOS4, but it appears you have a real problem w/Fieldrunners. Only 18 hearts left at level 74? We’re going to have to take away your iPhone license.
“Did you know you can voice dial (hold down home) from the lock screen without unlocking the phone??” – Kenneth
“And by the way, the circular arrow button isn’t a repeat function for the iPod like you might think. It’s actually a screen orientation lock.” – Dan
I didn’t know either of these. Wow. lol
I don’t know that little trick and I’m not 80! Thanks 🙂