RIM CEO Jim Balsillie “You don’t need an app for the Web” - Macenstein

RIM CEO Jim Balsillie “You don’t need an app for the Web”


5 Responses to “RIM CEO Jim Balsillie “You don’t need an app for the Web””
  1. Jonro says:

    I don’t get it. Perhaps a little more of an explanation would be in order.

  2. GlowingApple says:

    @Jonro, basically Jim Basillie, the guy running the company that makes the Blackberry smart phones, criticized Apple’s app store and promoted web applications saying “You don’t need an app for the Web”. The irony is that the web browser is an application (and Blackberry says so on the web site clipping the Doc listed), so you do need an app for the Web.

  3. Andrew says:

    Blackberry sucks.

  4. Jonro says:

    @GlowingApple, Thanks, I finally saw the reference. I imagine that what he really meant was that you don’t need any other applications besides a browser for the Web. But, he’s wrong about that, too. Every iPad and iPhone user knows that apps are superior to browsers for accessing many websites. The fact that he doesn’t get it is not a good sign for RIM. Oh, and nice 7″ screen on that tiny little Blackberry tablet-like device.

  5. ObamaPacman says:

    Haha Failsillie is Fail Silly.

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