DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon

Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 2100 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Ash and QuickSilver / Swamp and Magnetic

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
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Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Cyclops Dragon Egg

362 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Cyclops Dragon”
  1. Dedawen says:

    Trying for Orobouros & got this with Magnetic & Fog in EBI.

  2. Steven says:

    I was trying for orobouros and got this with magnetic and water on epic breeding island

  3. Dani says:

    Just got this with electric and rust on EBI

  4. Missa says:

    I got it with magnetic & seaweed, just tring random bread and got this on first try :p

  5. LoreneGo says:

    I got a cyclops dragon as a twin dragon from a friend. Could someone please tell me which habitat this dragon goes with?

  6. Johnny says:

    Got it with Leap Year and firework in lvl 1 beeeding cave lol i got snowy silver then sun then cyclops using this breeding combination!

  7. Brent says:

    Got this with Rainbow and Snowflake in level 1 breeding cave

  8. Will says:

    Cyclops 2nd Try

  9. Will says:

    Cyclops 2nd Try Going for electrum

  10. 3jbaz says:

    I got it by using tidal and flower in the co-op breeding cave, but I also got a snowy gold, a summer, an electrum, a ragnarok, a platinum, and the one I’m breeding now is gonna be one of the Olympus dragons, with this same combination. This is over both of my accounts so I can’t say how many tries it took or how many other random dragons I got.

  11. Parallax says:

    Got it with Rainbow and Procyon twice in a row

  12. caitlinalawrence says:

    I got 33 hours with two galaxy dragons?

  13. Jon says:

    Got one on the first try with a leap year and rainbow dragon

  14. Stacie says:

    I’ve gotten 3 with a Muse and Double Rainbow.

  15. Jas says:

    Got this using lava and cactus

  16. Phyntysm says:

    Regular cave Apocalypse and Rainbow.

  17. saseflower says:

    Got this 2nd try with level 12 Magnetic and level 12 Fog in the RBC

  18. natalie says:

    I got this dragon with ragnarok lv 10 and procyon lv 5 in the co-op breeding cave. First try

  19. Cringelord says:

    I got cyclops by breeding lvl 19 coral dragon and comet dragon..

    • Cringelord says:

      Co op breeding cave and it was 1st try, though I did figure out that I got lucky because I tried breeding again three more times and got different results

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