Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (May 2007): Posh Suicide - Macenstein

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (May 2007): Posh Suicide

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Welcome to Macenstein’s“Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Posh Suicide designer and Suicide Girls model, who in addition to being a video game junkie, is also a total Mac Geek.
Posh Suicide
Posh Suicide
“I’ve been modeling over at (everyone over there uses Macs!) exclusively for 3 and a half years. Contrary to what some think, we aren’t all crazy, super pierced and tattooed, willing to get naked for anyone, or even suicidal. I’m just a shy geeky girl! I got my start in the tech world about 8 years ago, after teaching myself enough PHP in a month to land a dev job at a University. Since then, it’s been my life, from jobs to hobbies, to the men I date! ”
Posh Suicide
  About Posh Suicide:

  • Location: Southern California
  • Age: 26
  • Occupation: Photoshop Mage, SG Newswire Geek Editor and all around Web Geek
  • My First Apple product: It was a teeny iBook. I’d saved all my money and it came down to putting it aside to have rent covered for a couple months… or finally getting an iBook. I chose Apple. It’s amazing to look at it now. It feels like a toy.
  • Favorite Apple Gear: My Macbook Pro. I have mine running as a desktop with pretty much external everything. Though I wish I’d waited one more month to get it, given the introduction of the upgraded Core 2 Duo model and the discontinuation of mine. My iPod 30gig also ranks pretty high up there. I don’t know what I’d do without it. It’s saved my sanity countless times while riding SoCal transportion. It did get me into trouble one time when a very confused sheriff was called onto the public bus and gave me a warning for listening to my iPod with both headphones in.
  • Favorite non-Apple Gear: My XBox 360
  • Favorite TV show: Battlestar Galactica, The Office, Daily Show, ATHF, X-Files, Weeds, Studio 60
  • Favorite Movies: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
  • On My iPod: Arcade Fire, Kings of Leon, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Cape May, Malajube,
    Led Zeppelin, Cold War Kids, Modest Mouse, Shins, Stars, Metric, Broken Social Scene, Pinback, David Bowie
  • Hobbies:Playing video games mainly Guitar Hero 2, Crackdown, G.R.A.W. 2 and WoW right now, cooking, wasting time over on Digg, reading sci fi novels, drawing,
  • Pets: An beige tabby cat accidently named Kittybutt (that wears a tie)

Posh Suicide
“What originally attracted me to the Mac was its aesthetics. I’m a sucker for good design. Upon learning of the technological superiority in the engineering though and really, the far superior user experience I was hooked. There are rarely ever any headaches, and I love that I can just plug anything in, like my tablet for example, without worrying about downloading Wacom drivers before use. I can’t even imagine going back to Windows based PCs as my main computer. Though maybe give me a linux box … ”
Posh Suicide
“In addition to being a mac fanatic, I’m also very big into gaming. While not being the mac’s strong suit (yet!), I do manage to play a lot of WoW on it. It plays much better on my laptop than the PC I built for that very reason. Beyond that, I have a fairly big collection of consoles and games, the 360 being my all around favorite. It’s amazing how much Achievements change the way you play a game. ”

Posh Suicide

To see more of Posh Suicide, check out the following links!
or Visit Her

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

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51 Responses to “Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (May 2007): Posh Suicide”
  1. Steve says:

    Like wtf take away dat computer and bring on the boobs

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