Let’s be PokemonGo Friends! - Macenstein

Let’s be PokemonGo Friends!

Well, Niantic FINALLY added Friends and trading to PokemonGo, and while at this point most long-term players may have met a few friends at Legendary Raids and such, you can never have too many friends! Or too many gifts!
(Actually, I currently have too many friends, so at the moment I am not accepting codes. But that doesn’t mean you guys can’t swap codes!)
So if you’re looking for PokemonGo friends, feel free to leave a comment below with your friend code, and let’s see if we can’t hook you guys up.

14 Responses to “Let’s be PokemonGo Friends!”
  1. 7upJello says:

    1608 6265 5157

  2. Jesus says:

    7391 8779 0081 if anyone wants to gift

  3. Sozosaint says:

    Add me Macenstein been following u for dragonvale since the beginning. 8389 7125 2030

  4. Michelle says:

    0370 8432 0534

  5. Rahlyd says:

    8977 0238 2503

  6. Pedro says:

    4116 2997 6973

  7. Filipe says:

    add me 😉 6819 5394 2548

  8. Jim says:

    0290 1002 6845 I’m in Australia

  9. EvilTrooper07 says:

    2605 6752 8685.thanks.

  10. EvilTrooper07 says:

    You have helped me a lot.

  11. Wendy Toney says:

    Hi! My trainer code is

    4997 5868 1359

    Please feel free to add me!!!

  12. Jar says:

    Hi! My trainer code is

  13. Quinn says:

    Hope you will use it!


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