Review: flatOUT™ LED Lightning by Scosche (That’s right, I’m going to review a lightning cable.)

If you’ve been a loyal Apple supporter/upgrader, odds are by now you have probably owned 4-5 Apple devices that utilize a Lightning cable to charge. And if you are a SMART Apple user, you have never ONCE paid the $19.00 (formerly $25) Apple charges for its cables, when dozens of 3rd party accessory makers sell theirs for about half that. As overpriced as Apple’s cables are,... Read More
Review: Seidio’s OBEX Waterproof iPhone case

I’ve has a standalone waterproof Canon camera for years, and while it has certainly allowed me to get shots with the kids out in the ocean that I would be too scared to attempt with my SLR or my iPhone, I never loved that camera. The display was hard to see, especially with sunglasses, the pictures were OK, but not great, and the camera stunk as an all-purpose camera – it... Read More
Review: Audioengine’s B1 Bluetooth Music Receiver

I’m about to try to make a case for why you should want the $189 Audioengine’s B1 Bluetooth Music Receiver . It won’t be easy, as for that price you could get TWO Airport expresses that could also wirelessly stream music, or for $10 more you could have an Airport Extreme, which boasts a bunch of useful features in addition to streaming music. So why would you... Read More
Review: Divoom Airbeat-10 Wireless Bluetooth Water Resistant Speaker

Not sure what a “saction cup” is but it might explain why it does not hold like a suction cup would I’ve reviewed so many compact bluetooth speakers over the years that I feel I have written “Sounds great for it’s size” over a hundred times. And it’s true. Even $30 speakers sound pretty damn good these days, and if you take into account... Read More
Review: Kenu Airframe Plus

I drive a Camry. I’m not proud of it. I’m not embarrassed. It’s fine. That’s what owning a Camry is. However, there IS one thing that Camry owners have had to deal with, and that is horrible AC power outlet placement and no large suction-cup-able flat surfaces for mounting our iDevices. All solutions that I HAVE found have suction cups just a little too... Read More
Review: Seidio iPhone cases are pretty sweet, but pricey

Given how many iPhone case manufacturers there are out there, I guess it’s not too surprising that I hadn’t heard of Seidio until a few of their iPhone 6 and 6 plus cases showed up here at the lab for review, but I must say I am impressed, particularly with their Surface cases. But let’s take them one at a time… SURFACE Available in 2 models (and for both... Read More
Review: Protect your BIG Investment with these 5 Griffin iPhone 6 Plus cases

My transition from an iPhone 5S to an iPhone 6 Plus has gone relatively smoothly – I would say it took about 5 days to become so accustomed to its larger size that my old 5S now seems toylike in my hand. However, while I may be used to its size, that doesn’t mean it’s dainty, and the thought of placing it inside a giant hunk of rubber to protect its giant screen from... Read More
Review: JunoPower’s Kaebo Lightning Cable

OK, get ready for some real excitement because I’m about to review… A LIGHTNING CABLE! That’s right, one of those $3 things Apple charges $19 for, Amazon charges $11 for, eBay charges $9 for, and which you have to replace every 3 months or so. So what makes this cable so special? Well, in theory, you don’t have to replace it. Or at least that’s the... Read More
Review: Cambridge Audio Minx Air 100

If there was any doubt as to whether or not the audio industry is still catering to Apple users, the recent glut of wireless AirPlay enabled speakers on the market should put your mind at ease. It was not all that long ago that you couldn’t find a speaker system without a built-in iPod dock, and now that Apple is pushing wireless, the music industry is following suit. Cambridge... Read More
REVIEW: PhoneSuit Flex XT iPhone battery

Ahh, June 12, 2013, the day I first reviewed PhoneSuit’s Flex iPhone charger… The little charger that could. I loved that thing, and with good reason. It was small (the smallest 2600mAh battery available), had great ergonomics, and could fully recharge an iPhone and then some. Well, fast forward a year and PhoneSuit has released an updated Flex model – The Flex XT!... Read More
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