Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (September 2007): Ana Maria - Macenstein

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (September 2007): Ana Maria

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

Welcome to Macenstein’s“Mac Chick of the Month”.

Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely, Ana Maria, our first international Mac Chick! It would appear the love of Apple gear transcends all languages.

Ana Maria
photos by Foto Club Mallorca

Heralding from Majorca Island, Spain, Ana Maria may not speak very fluent English, but her love of Macs and tech gear in general comes through loud and clear in her Google-translated e-mail.

Ana Maria

Quick facts:
NAME: Ana Maria
AGE: 26
LOCATION: Majorca Island, Spain
OCCUPATION: UV technician at Solmania
FIRST APPLE PRODUCT: iMac G3 Indigo. I also had a Macintosh G4 “lamp” – Broken but was the most wonderful and nice computer I had. No repair was posible :'(
I now have the MacBook Pro – The one of the photos, another gift for my husband. He bought me when the G4 failed, but I prefer to use desktop computers.
FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Jericho, Lost, & Zorro: la espada y la rosa
FAVORITE MOVIES: The Labyrinth, Titanic, Ghost & The nightmare before christmas
FAVORITE BOOKS: The Little Vampire by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg (yes, I do not read so much!)
ON MY iPOD: I don’t have favorite band. I listen generally flamenco songs & 80’s songs
HOBBIES: Cooking & collect all 80’s vintage objects I see !!!

Ana Maria

“Life itself need not be so complicated, so I use Apple things because they are easy & funny to use. My first Apple computer was a gift from my husband, an iMac G3, back in the 99 when we where just a starting couple. I still use it daily for internets and e-mail. My daily basis Apple gear is my iPod nano, I love it!”

Ana Maria

Ana says she took these photos as a surprise birthday present for her husband (another Mac-head) so he could use them as his desktop wallpaper. If you’d like to add Ana to YOUR desktop, check out our desktop wallpaper of Ana below.

Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.

Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Click to download.

13 Responses to “Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (September 2007): Ana Maria”
  1. hendrik says:

    Hey, on the last pic you can see a great wallpaper on her desktop, anyone know what it is and where to grab it?

  2. Luis says:

    I’ve never seen Mac products looking so hot. Beautiful model, those curves, shiny skin! Don’t take me wrong, Ana Maria is pretty too.

  3. Hendry says:

    I love that desktop wallpaper pic the best, very nice! Thanks Ana!

  4. she's awesome says:

    MY wife got me a belt for my birthday.

  5. I wonder if I can convince my girlfriend to submit to thi!

  6. MachinTard says:

    Wow, she is hot. I don’t know what the spanish girls have that makes them look so ‘sublime’, I love that.

  7. Juan says:

    Pictures 2 and 4 are much better than #1 in my opinion. If you have desktop res versions of them I’ll be a happy Juan!

  8. Matt says:

    For those wanting to download the MCotM desktop image but can’t, there’s a typo in the HTML. Change the filename of the image it tries to download to “desktop_mcotm_07_09.jpg”.

  9. Matt says:

    Oh, I agree with Juan. 🙂

  10. Ajajaiiiiiiiii. Si es española, yupiiiiiiiiii. Y maquera. 🙂 Y guapa :-p

    Chica, si vienes al Sur, avisame… si quieres.

    Maquero desde siempre, para enseñarte La Ciudad, Sevilla.

  11. Chas says:

    I only see picture one, what happened to the rest?

  12. db says:

    One way to expand the Apple user base. Ship out new Macs with an easy to use extension to get these as wallpapers.

  13. hank says:

    Spanish girls are soo0o nice!

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