Mac Vader Pro - Macenstein

Mac Vader Pro

Any Apple fan with limited garage/basement space has at one time or another been told by the woman in his life (be it a wife or mother) that they need to throw away those giant Apple computer boxes their machines came in. Well, I challenge any nagging wife to refute the awesomeness of THIS shot taken at the DragonCon Labor Day Weekend Parade.

That’s right. It appears to be a Darth Vader costume made predominantly from a Mac Pro box – and the fellow is wearing the Apple logo where it counts. By combining an obsession with Apple and an obsession with Star Wars, this brave soul has achieved a level of super geekdom that most of us can only dream of reaching. We bow to you, Mac Vader Pro.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader The Warped One for the tip.

3 Responses to “Mac Vader Pro”
  1. Bryan says:

    Pretty awesome! Although I wonder how cool it would look with the Apple logo on his head and the Yellow Tail box near the tail….

  2. Vern says:

    What a tool!

  3. starwaarsnerd1994 says:

    z0mg uber 1337ness

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