Mac Chick Becca lands on iTunes - Macenstein

Mac Chick Becca lands on iTunes

Ahhh, who could forget the lovely Becca, our 2nd Mac Chick of the month ever! We certainly can’t. It seems like only yesterday that we were begging the young gold-record-owning singer, songwriter, and performer to let us feature her as our Miss November 2006.

Since then we’ve been closely following Becca’s career, and things have really been taking off. First, we told you back in May that Becca stole the show in Chris Cornell’s Arms Around Your Love“ video as a sexy pole-dancing temptress, and now we’re happy to announce that Becca’s band Tonica has launched its first album on iTunes!

That’s right, Macenstein’s Mac chick of the Month feature has proven once again to be a launching pad to the stars! We suggest you rush out immediately and buy a couple copies of their Cabaret 77 album in order to show your support for Mac Chicks everywhere.

9 Responses to “Mac Chick Becca lands on iTunes”
  1. BAD says:

    Good Music, its a bit like Cascada but . . . better

  2. jabberwocky says:

    Well I give my congratulation to the Becca for her success, but I’m not going to buy the album, just not the type of much that I’m into listening to on the way to work.

  3. Brian says:

    Awesome! Sounds like you need more energy than I have to listen to it (kind of “doing ecstasy in the club with the kids” kind of music) but sounds good.

  4. eyerhyme says:

    UGH!!! This “music” is just more crap that has been done WAY TOO MUCH! I’m all for supporting talent but please… same annoying dance/hiphop drum beats, boring synths, boring predictable melody lines, and … band? Come on! There is no band!! An annoying computer and producer but NO BAND! Mindless Crap!

  5. Rodrigo Van Dursteheimer says:

    eyerhyme, you’re getting old. club/dance music isn’t my cup of tea, but check out the top 10 on itunes. It’s hard to find a “band” (as you call it) anywhere these days, and the ones you do find are pre-fab pretentious wuss boy bands trying to look cool with eye liner. The times are changing, and this is what “the kids”, as I calls ’em, are listening to.

  6. eyerhyme says:

    I’m far from old! I have a degree in music, grade 10 piano/pipe organ, run a recording studio, play in numerous bands, etc. I’m involved in MUSIC DAY IN AND OUT! This music is just sheite to make a quick buck(if any) and has NO lasting ability whatsoever! It drives me crazy and is a waste of space.
    As for top 10 on iTunes, explain this to me… know that annoying “soulja boy” crap… it’s #5 on video downloads and #4 on singles… BUT… 95% of the reviews give it ONE STAR! The reviews call it utter crap… and this is no 5 reviews… it’s over 100! How does this even CHART?! The major music labels are and have always been manipulative and now it really shows. They can’t explain this one other than they are paying someone off which IS ILLEGAL!
    As for this girl Becca… do you really want me to believe you can sing? Highly doubt it… I know all the studio tricks, pitch correction etc. Did she write these songs? Again… doubt it! Plus anyone can write these pieces of crap. The chord structure is the same over and over, predictable ear junk. How bout writing a REAL piece of music… Heart, Kate Bush, etc? Oh… right… you need talent and skill to do that.

  7. ericole says:


    Your comments don’t change the fact that eyerhyme points out that it isn’t music. Random noise produced by people and marketed as music does not music make. Standards, across the board, are rapidly declining in our society.

  8. Umm Ericole have you heard of a band called Pink Floyd?

    And Eyerhyme put your money where your mouth is and release something for us to listen to.

    How big is the market for pipe organs these days?

    I admit much of the music today is nothing more than money making crap but you’re deluding yourself if you think that what the music industry does hasn’t affected the uptake of the likes of Kate Bush, Heart, etc.

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