TUAW admits their Leopard makeover was the biggest mistake ever made by anybody ever in the history of everything
We love TUAW, we really do, but when they changed over the look of their site from the lovely “Aqua-inspired, soothing blue” to the jarring “ugly-as-all-hell Leopard space” theme, well, it was just wrong. Luckily, it looks like TUAW’s New Year’s resolution to not be hideous is one they might stick to, as they appear to be back on track with the blue team again. Three cheers for design sensibilities!
Hip hip Hooray!
Hip hip Hooray!
Hip hip… um, what am I cheering about again?
Am I the only one that actually likes the Leopard theme? The Tiger theme is getting old.
and this brownish-green crap is supposed to look good?
If only all sites that recently changed their looks would switch back to their old designs…
(Yes, that was a subtle hint…)
Ha Ha, I was expecting those, given orur readers are wise-asses like ourselves. I guess people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, should we? (Seriously, you CAN’T have like our OLD design!)
-The Doc
I actually noticed the switch back on New Year’s, made my day.
I prefer the old design as well.
Actually Doc, with all the MacChicks of the Month it took me awhile to notice the design here.
Heh. The Macenstein design reminds me of XP.
I liked their leopard theme much better. This blueish aqua theme looks dated by far. Reminds me of the tiger desktop. Come on, move on.
The black looks better.