Video: Microsoft Monopoly - Macenstein

Video: Microsoft Monopoly

EDIT: The JibJab embedded video was screwing with our page, so if you want to see the video (it’s pretty funny), check it out directly here:

Ever wonder what Bill Gates would sound like with Canadian accent? Canadian sketch comedy show Air Farce put together this excellent piece of Microsoft bashery some time ago, but I only recently stumbled across it, so it’s new to me. Enjoy.

3 Responses to “Video: Microsoft Monopoly”
  1. Royal Air Farce does a lot of great videos like this. They did a great one last year on VISTA. If you can find it you should post it up. They say, get VISTA and experience the WOW, “Won’t Often Work”.

  2. alireza says:

    MONOPOLY = Funny joke

  3. Leo says:

    The richest guy with the cheapest hair cut. LOL

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