Lily Allen and her MacBook Air
Well, it certainly isn’t the most flattering photo we’ve seen of (seemingly) Mac Chick Lily Allen, but faithful Macenstein reader lewisozz sent us a picture of a rather angry looking Lily Allen holding her new MacBook Air. Maybe she’s a FireWire fan?

Lily’s MySpace blog mentioned she got the Air free from Vanity Fair earlier this month. Lily is best known for her single “Smile” which reached number one on the UK singles charts in July 2006. Note to Lily, when holding an Apple product, try to follow the example of Megan Fox and Alyssa Milano, and (wait for it) “smile”.

you spelled her name wrong. its lily.
Thanks Edwin.
Obviously we’re huge fans.
-The Doc
I wouldn’t smile if I had to use a macbook without a CD drive.
woot. good looking out macenstein. btw, i would say thats a look of concentration on her face. =P
shes holding a million things! no room in that giant purse bag for a manila envelope i guess.
Me either!
Although I do like her music, it’s still riddled with some sort of Brittish Teenage-Angst.
Perhaps that’s why she got the Air? To have more to sing about.
“I got the no optical drive bluuuUUUUuuuuueessssss”…..
Do I see an iPhone in the left hand?
Didn’t she recently suffer a miscarriage? That could bring anyone down.