Celebrity Mac Chick sighting – Beyonce

Above: Beyonce and Jay-Z do a little pool-side web surfing on Beyonce’s MacBook.
Do I even have to point out at that once again we have a celebrity walking around with a MacBook with no case? Originally I was skeptical as to the conspiracy theories of product placement and pay-offs between Apple and celebs, but looking at these pics, it was almost as though a concerted effort was being made to make sure the Apple logo was visible to the paparazzi.

More poolside pics after the jump. [via JustJared.com]

Hmm, must be new or another one. She used to use a MacBook Pro before: http://valleywag.com/341904/jay+z-hps-star-endorser-uses-a-mac
I’m guessing the Black MacBook is just for poolside.
I notice you saved all the pictures where the logo isn’t visible for after the jump.
It looks like she’s using it for more than covering her face, maybe keeping it open for IMs or emails. No conspiracy here, go back to watching JFK.
Is it just me, or is there something tasteless about inserting ads into comments?
I’d like to place my disc in her SuperDrive
wow, she must really like using it…I wouldn’t take my mac to the pool…
LOL @ The dude in the 2nd photo all the way to the left.
It looks like she just can’t keep her hands off of her MacBook.
Dude Doc, your wife must be pissed you sat in Beyonce’s bushes to take pictures of her for 3 hrs!
The Bride of Macenstein is a very understanding woman.
-The Doc
Where’s the MacBook? 😎