Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Paris Hilton
Who knew? Apparently Paris Hilton does have taste after all! Although she seems to be holding a Blackberry 8000 series instead of an iPhone, that MacBook Pro is unmistakable.

Paris also seems to prefer the iPod as her Music Player of choice.

First Jennifer Aniston, now Paris… if we can just find an Angelina Jolie Mac sighting, we will have a trifecta of the world’s most famous women also being Mac users. (Fianlly! A legitimate excuse to explain to the Bride of Macenstein why I am trolling the web looking for Angelina Jolie pictures…
More pics after the Jump.

[MBP images via parishiltononline / iPod images via mis24h]
If only I could think of a funny joke as to how she got those bruises on her knees… sadly, nothing comes to mind.
i remember her quoted in an interview that she (along with lindsay lohan) moved back to their blackberrys because the iPhone honeymoon was short lived. makes you wonder how much people really use the iPhone the way it was meant to be used – not only for txt messaging and phone calls.
Another “legend in her own mind” graces these pages.
she only got the 17″ model to be able to hide her awfull face behind… other than that the machine is much to smart for her…
this has got to be some kind of guerilla marketing campaign right?
This was uncalled for. Just mean spirited. I’m glad I haven’t eaten recently, ugh.
I can see the tagline now!
Macbook Pro…. Leopard…. So easy to use, even imbeciles like Paris Hilton can use it!
Don’t know if I want a vapid airhead like Paris Hilton being called a “Mac Chick”.
Is that enhancing or degrading the brand?