Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jenny McCarthy - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jenny McCarthy

Somehow I always suspected Jenny was a Mac Chick. Yes, this is just an iPhone, but I’m sure she owns a Mac. In fact, I imagine she is so Mac obsessed, I picture her reading Macenstein daily. In bed. Naked. So Jenny, please do me a favor and take a quick snapshot of you with your MacBook and send it in, just to prove all my skeptical readers wrong who will claim that an iPhone sighting does not make a Mac Chick.

And may I just point out that unlike others, Jenny seems to know the value of her Apple product, and has it protected in what seems to be a Speck SkinPro case.

[via UseMyComputer]

8 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jenny McCarthy”
  1. GMan says:

    So what!

  2. Brian says:

    Lucky iPhone.

  3. RMD says:

    I care. It’s nice to know I have at least 1 thing in common with hot chicks.

  4. you says:

    who is the guy ?!?!!?

  5. you says:

    *ps* nics boobs man !!

  6. You,

    I think “the man” was her mom.
    And we are in agreement on the second point.
    (or, pointS, rather).

    -The Doc

  7. darrell says:

    when i was in 8th grade, i used to carry a page from playboys issue of jenny mccarthy’s nude photospread in my wallet. just throwing that out there.

  8. Kensei Dave says:

    Yeah i still have 2 HUGE Jenny McCarthy posters from my youth. They are in storage now…. Hmmmmm…

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