Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Leelee Sobieski - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Leelee Sobieski

Look who’s fightin’ AIDS in Africa with her (Product) Redâ„¢ iPod nano! It’s Leelee Sobieski, the most unlikely named woman in Hollywood. Kudos to you, Leelee!

[via UseMyComputer]

11 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Leelee Sobieski”
  1. darrell says:

    its mini heather hunt!

  2. MacSheikh says:

    Is she sleepwalking or something? And her iPod is definitely NOT the focus of the second picture! 🙂

  3. odin says:

    The sun is in her eyes. However in the second picture what is up with the fingerprint sized bruises? Looks like Leelee likes to get rough. I am down.

  4. mangochutney says:

    She must have been playing rough with her boyfriend the other night. Did you see the finger imprints on her upper left thigh?

  5. Bjöggi says:

    Wow, that’s a really dorky picture!

  6. those could be bruises from people poking her with ten foot poles….

  7. mangochutney says:

    You beat me to it! Well, at least I know now that I’m not the only one with a slightly dirty mind.

    P.S.: It always takes quite some time til my coments show up. I’d love some kind of login, to avoid that captcha-thingy and to be able to post faster.
    But on the other hand, comment moderation has its advantages, too.

  8. trevorblanco says:

    Somebody’s had her feet off the ground, those finger prints are telling.

  9. Dave-O says:

    @darrell, did you mean Helen Hunt? I’ve always thought so myself.

  10. mangochutney says:

    Has anyone given this some thought:

    “mobile me” “Magical Me” (Gilderoy Lockharts book in Harry Potter 2)

    Conspiracy or Coincidence?

  11. Negative says:

    Who the fuck is Heather Hunt? What a dumbass…

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