Apple’s “Mac vs PC” ads a hit with the kids - Macenstein

Apple’s “Mac vs PC” ads a hit with the kids

Parents often worry that the images their children see on television may influence them to do horrible things – from imitating Jackass stunts to jumping off the roof pretending to be Superman. But television can also teach children GOOD behavior, as seen in the picture below.

[Photo by jwlphotography]

7 Responses to “Apple’s “Mac vs PC” ads a hit with the kids”
  1. Brad says:

    I think I have to call this a win

  2. Kensei says:

    She may speak softly but she carries a BIG STICK!

    I hope she bashes the PC and not the cutie pie with the Macbook Pro. Nah forget the kid, SAVE THE MACBOOK PRO!!!

  3. hugedeal says:

    That Apple is huge.

  4. mark says:

    My kids, 11 and 8, love them Apple ads. They get a good chuckle every time. And I think they believe them, exaggeration and all.

  5. Eric says:

    My 4 year-old likes the ads, too, especially “Stuffed” where PC wears the fat suit.

  6. Sudhir K Singh says:

    A real cutie of an ad. May all kids give PCs the big stick.

  7. My two kids, ages 5 and 7, like the yoga studio ad.

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