Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Tina Fey - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Tina Fey

(I know, we’re running a bit late with this month’s Mac chick of the month, but here’s another celebrity Mac Chick to help pass the time).

Not that this is very surprising (after all, what SNL writer doesn’t own a Mac?), but based on the shot below, I’m just wondering if Tina’s new MacBook Pro is the result of letting her toddler play with her iBook…

[via watching30rock and Geeksugar]

4 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Tina Fey”
  1. Hedi says:

    She looks sooo happy with her new MBP.
    Charming photograph!

  2. TekSavvy says:

    Tina just went from a 9 to a 10… 😉

  3. Lane says:

    I Love you Tina Fay, you are hot and Funny!!!!

    Have fun on the Mac, Hit my Face…..Book!

  4. Lane says:

    Hi Tina, A) your hot!!!

    B) you’re funny as hell

    enjoy the new Mac!!!

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