“Save Our Ship!” er… MacBook Air

Faithful Macenstein reader shoe came across a MacBook Air support document in Apple’s knowledgebase (HT1221) that has to be one of the all time best inside engineering jokes of all time. Apparently when the MacBook Air encounters a severe problem during boot, it will emit 9 beeps before hanging: “3 short, 3 long, 3 short.” In other words, S-O-S, in Morse code.
While it’s always nice to see Apple’s engineers have a sense of humor, odds are if your MBA wont boot you will likely be making 10 beeps yourself… “3 short, 4 short, 2 short, 1 long.”
[via digg]
sadly there is no standard representation for the exclamation sign.
It’s not uncommon for geeky engineers to beep things in Morse… on many phones, the default alert for text messages is the letters “S – M – S”. (Dit-dit-dit, dah-dah, dit-dit-dit, to us in-the-know types.)