Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (June 2008): Erin Marie
When it comes to movies, Erin’s tastes run toward the supernatural. “I would love to get a role on a Sci-Fi channel show! Maybe a hot, sexy alien that made all your worst dreams come to life!”

Greg Woodson Photography
“When I found out about Tin Man, I was OBSESSED. I told everyone I knew about it, and canceled all my plans to make sure I caught every episode. Fantasy world is just a better place, don’t you think? I love monster movies too. Anything with vampires, witches, werewolves, and/or tropopkins is right up my alley. I may look like a girly-girl, but I’m a bit twisted on the inside.”

“I love Nerds. Besides, at the end of the movie, they are the ones that always end up with all the hotties.”

Greg Woodson Photography
To see more of Erin Marie, visit her Model Mayhem Page
or check out her MySpace Page
Photography: Greg Woodson Photography (
Do you think you or someone you know would make a great “Mac Chick of the Month”? Send us an e-mail, or check out our application guide here or on our MySpace page for details.
[As always, if you enjoy Macenstein’s Mac Chick of the Month feature and would like to see it thrive, please submit it to your favorite social bookmarking site (digg, reddit, etc.) and spread the word! Thanks! – The Doc]
Due to popular demand, we are proud to offer a MCotM desktop wallpaper to enhance the beauty of YOUR Mac.

Click to download.
Finally! And worth the wait! (But don’t make us wait again!)
Those are actually really nice photographs. nice light. (and the girl ain’t too shabby either!) I wish I could afford that kind of gear. (The photo equipment, I mean). And the girl too, now that I think about it…
Hey macenstein next month let’s have a no bikini pic instead nakid facing the screen no parts covered.
Awesome!!!! 😉
That there’s a girl who does sit-ups!
One of the very few times I can’t quite keep my eyes on – or let’s say – even have a glimpse at the mac … wow
She had me at Tiesto.
I like the way she gets close up and personal with her iSight webcam. Wish she were on my buddy list :)7
Oh my goodness…
Wow, she is beautiful! Nice job (even if June is already over).
Finally, a Mac chick who owns a desktop machine!
She is so perfect!!! I wish she were on my buddy list too!!
Holy Mother of God!!
Nice find. Exquisite form.
Looks functional indeed.
Also looks a lot like she could find work as a B/Spears doppelganger. At least it would seem from the last photo on page 2.
Finally! Great find guys! Woohoo! 😀
Holy!! OMG!!! Man, that was worth the wait. That white bikini shot will give some of the older guys here a heart attack!!! Excellent work Dr. We need a calendar issue one day.
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and every please join this group
What I wouldn’t give to be that iSight camera.
slobber – slobber – slobber – WOW
is that even her with the boxing gloves on?
My boycotting of commenting now can come to an end.
Absolutely wonderful! She has been dugg… ^_^
nice i say…
computer forensics
Whoa … nice iPods!
I cannot decide who is more cute—her or the iMac G4. 🙂
Do your parents know you’re gay?
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you should just be honest with yourself if you’re going to comment on the equipment that was used to take the photos and then make an escape comment at the end about the hottie, man.
Just come out, dude. It’s ok.
We’ll still love ya.
Ok pals… were are the papers? I love her and I’m ready to marry her. Please where can I sign?
It’s August, me and the boys still gasp when we see her pictures!
She’s hot and awesome I know her she’s my gf
Those eyes, that mouth. Wow!