… and the winner of our $75 iTunes card contest is… - Macenstein

… and the winner of our $75 iTunes card contest is…

Thanks so much to all of you who entered our $75 iTunes gift card giveaway, courtesy of Headline. We wish we could give you all gift cards, but unfortunately, in the end, (much like in Highlander) there can be only one.

So, who won? Well, none other than… faithful Macenstien reader Walter B.! Congrats Walter, and thanks for reading. And as for the rest of you, don’t worry, we’re all about contests here, and will be unleashing some new ones real soon.

3 Responses to “… and the winner of our $75 iTunes card contest is…”
  1. Tex says:

    Ohhh… and I was so close…

  2. PAt says:

    I wish I was american so i could be eligeble

  3. Walter B says:


    THANK YOU !!!!!!!


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