Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting: Jenna Dewan
And the search continues for a man who owns a white iPhone (aside from my friend Jeff, who barely qualifies).

Here we see Jenna Dewan, the lovely actress/dancer from Step Up and Tamara (yeah, I missed those too) taking a well deserved vacation along with her white iPhone 3G. But wait! Is that also a black iPhone, a trick of the light, or something else entirely? (yes, I am using that question as an excuse to run the pic where she is standing up).

[via celebslam]
Mhmm, I wonder what her feet look like?
“look” or “taste” like?

you said: “And the search continues for a man who owns a white iPhone (aside from my friend Jeff, who barely qualifies)”
umm, looks like Kevin Rose of Digg fame has a white iPhone 3G
oh, and was there an iPhone in those pictures somewhere?
I have a white iPhone, and am proud of it!
Shall i post pics of it?
Wow. I watched Tamara on “FearNet” (free horror movies on demand). It was really, really, really terrible. The gist: an ugly high school girl is murdered (accidentally) by a couple of jocks who bury her in the woods. But she had been studying witchcraft and so she returns from the grave as … a hottie!! Bad, bad, bad.
+1 Another proud white iphone owner
Wow – a waistless woman. Those just don’t look right!
What a marvelous creation.