How To: Type the  symbol on your iPhone - Macenstein

How To: Type the  symbol on your iPhone

FINALLY! This will come in SOOOO handy!

If you’re nything like me, you use the  symbol more often thn lmost ny other text chrcter in the world, nd you were probbly pretty upset when you found tht pple did not include the pple symbol in the iPhone’s keybord. Well, don’t worry, fithful Mcenstein reder Kenji has found  very convoluted wy to regin your pple symbol functionlity on your iPhone. Here’s how:

Step 1: Enable the Japanese QWERTY Keyboard on your iPhone which is found under Settings> General> Keyboard> International Keyboards> Japanese.

Step 2: Type a new message. Notice that little “Globe” icon by the space bar? Tap that to toggle to the Japanese Keyboard.

Type “appuru”. Apple’s predictive text will do the rest.

Step 3: Type in “appuru” . You should see the  symbol appear. Select it, then tap the globe to get back to your regular old keyboard.

What could be simpler?

[UPDATE: I can’t seem to do this now with the 2.1 Update. WHY APPLE! WHY?!? (Anyone know of a workaround?)]

13 Responses to “How To: Type the  symbol on your iPhone”
  1. Miguel says:

    I can’t seem to do this now with the 2.1 Update. WHY APPLE! WHY?!?

    Time to go back to 2.0.2!

  2. Agreed! How the hell are we supposed to get anything done without the  symbol ?
    -The Doc

  3. ssj_goha says:

    i’m amazed at how much nicer the new japanese keyboard is…..

    It sort of sucks that is no longer in there……

  4. jpoa says:

    I’m so unsubscribing this blog…

  5. Alex says:

    ah COME OOON APPLE! I didn’t even get a chance to see it! I just HATE this thing they have against the apple logo.. they pulled it off the keyboard, the iPod cable, and now the iPod keyboard..

  6. Pony says:

    How do you get the apple symbol on a regular apple keyboard?

  7. Andy says:

    Well, you’ve obviously already got it typed once. And you’ve got the 2.1 software.

    Just cut and pas…

    … what? You’re kidding. STILL? For Pete’s sake…

    Never mind.

  8. byronchurch says:

     alt / shift / k

  9. Dr. J says:

    The  logo is still there in my iPhone 2.1, just type an “a” in japanese keyboard and it pops up.

  10. Jim says:

    Wht? Is it there or not? Our lives hang in the balance and we can’t get a straight answer here…

  11. xero says:


    HW did I Liv withut this fr 1 yars

  12. Wordman says:

    Now all you have to do is figure out how to use HTML well enough to actually render the symbols your talking about in a browser properly. Hint:

  13. Ethan says:

    the fix:
    put the symbol in an email, open it on the iphone or itouch, and copy and paste it to the notepad

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