Review: USBFever’s Bike Mount Holder for iPhone / iPod / GPS
I’m sure most “responsible” bike riders would tell you that listening to an iPod or iPhone while cycling is a somewhat dangerous affair, but I bet if you got those same people alone in a room they would also tell you you should wear a helmet, use hand signals, and have reflectors on your bike too. In other words, they value safety and living over looking cool. Well, for the rest of us, I give you the Bike Mount Holder for iPhone / iPod.

Of course I’m kidding about bike safety. Actually, the Bike Mount Holder for iPhone / iPod is geared more towards using some of the new GPS-enabled apps while riding than for watching a movie or listening to songs while in traffic (although you certainly could. I for one have been trying to play Super Monkey Ball as I ride my bike, using my handle bars to tilt the iPhone. It makes the game much more challenging, although it’s hard to concentrate with all the horn honking and cars crashing sounds).

All kidding aside, I found the iPhone Bike Mount to work extremely well, and I find I am actually riding my bike more often now because of it. Using GPS apps like Path tracker while biking appeals to the geek in me enough to get me exercising. Set up was very easy, and the connections are all very sturdy. A plastic loop is first tightened around your handlebars and though the phone cradle. Next, a button press on the back of the unit opens the cradle’s welcoming (and padded) arms. Two fold out feet” at the bottom ensure your iPhone doesn’t fall to the ground as you tighten the arms, which close very snugly. (For full installation instructions, see the How To video at the end of this article).

Once mounted, the iPhone does not move an inch, even over the bumpiest roads or while mountain biking. I initially left my Speck case on just for paranoia’s sake, but after a couple hours it became apparent that the iPhone was well protected, and not going anywhere.

To open the cradle’s arms, simply press the button on the back of the cradle.
There is a swivel ball-joint on the cradle which allows for a full 360 degree rotation of the iPod/iPhone. While it may not be proper cycling etiquette to ride with earbuds on, I found the iPhone’s speaker was actually loud enough to listen to music on most quiet streets while still being able to keep my ears open for traffic.
I really found no issue with the bike mount, so my only caveat is purely speculative. I have only used the mount for a little over 2 weeks and it has held up well, but I would not be surprised if after months of constant use the pads might fray or become unglued. They seemed to me to be the only “cheap” feeling aspect of the device, but at $14.99, buying a new one of these each season wouldn’t be the end of the world, and as I said, I did not notice the pads fraying, it is just a feeling I got while using it that they might be the weak link (if any) over time.

Priced at only $14.95, the iPhone Bike Mount feels surprisingly sturdy, and there is never a sense that your iPhone may pop out if you should hit a pot hole. In fact, if properly inserted, you likely won’t be able to remove it without hitting the release button. The padded arms ensure your iPhone will remain scratch-free, and they can stretch to accommodate a wide range of devices – GPS units, cell phones, iPods – not just the iPhone. If you are an avid cyclist and iPhone user who is looking for a safe way to carry your iPhone and take advantage of its GPS and mapping capabilities, the iPhone Bike Mount is a must-have item.

Bike Mount Holder for iPhone / iPod
Price: $14.99
Pros: Well made, holds your iPhone (or other device) firmly in padded cradle, hands free design, cheap
Cons: Non significant
Above: Video showing the bike mount in action.
So…What if you crash? If you ride much, it’s inevitable. It really looks like the iPhone could potentially take some serious damage. If you could mount it on the top tube, it might be a little safer. Not quite as convenient but probably a little more protected.
Yes, you can mount this to any bar anywhere on your bike (as well as a swingset, truck, etc.)
If you crash your bike badly enough that your handlebars scrape the pavement, odds are the iPhone is the least of your worries, and even an arm band wouldn’t protect the iPhone much better.
-The Doc
So, you could play Labyrinth while riding your bike through an actual labyrinth? Cool!
Just imagine how useful this would be if your iPhone could stream your location to your Twitter account.
1:01 PM: Dr. Macenstein is riding past the 7-11 on Harley Street
1:02 PM Dr. Macenstein just passed the Shop Rite on Main Street
Oh, how I love technology!
I think it would be cool if someone came up with a way to extract the power from peddling to actually charge the phone. I mean we know it can be done, just haven’t seen it adapted to a regular bike. I can imagine the battery could be an issue if you are blasting the iPod app while using the GPS constantly with autolock disabled. Although, since this is flexible you could always bring your mophie along for the ride.
Solar power!
@dizzy Isn’t the power from pedaling your bike going towards moving you forward? Why would you want to suck some of that power to charge your phone? You may have meant this, but a better solution would be to use the brakes to somehow charge the phone., the same way that some hybrid cars recharge the battery when their brakes are applied, this is just wasted energy anyway.
Will it pop out if you crash
>> Isn’t the power from pedaling your bike going towards
>> moving you forward? Why would you want to suck some
>> of that power to charge your phone?
But that’s exactly how the old school “dynamo type” bike headlights were powered! Sure it makes pedalling somewhat harder but generations of cyclists were used to that before the battery-powered ones became more common.
Not sure if html is allowed so here’s a copy-paste link to what the generator on the wheel would look like:
I want to use a bike mount with a road bike–specifically a Specialized Roubaix. The handlebars are much thicker than the ones pictured here–and covered with tape. Will the mount work on my bike?
I bought the other version (not strap mounted) and it WOULD NOT HOLD the iphone.
In other word, if I bounce the mount in my hand, the phone pops out. This is NOT A SAFE PRODUCT! Avoid this at all costs unless you want a junk $20 product to destroy your $300 phone!
Aren’t you giving link to the wrong version? (Also, wrong video link..)
The one you reviewed costs $19.99, here’s the link..