Celebrity Mac chick Sighting: Kirsten Dunst
OK, looks like I was wrong when I assumed the reason Kirsten Dunst and Justin “I’m a Mac” broke up was that Kirsten was a PC. Here she is practically waving her MacBook Pro around around for the paparazzi, as if she knew I would find this picture.

We actually spotted Dunst with a MacBook Pro once before, but she was on the set and in some weird 16th century costume, so we couldn’t be sure it was her MacBook Pro or a PA’s, but it looks like she’s the real deal folks.

[via UseMyComputer]
That case doesn’t look very protective.
hello peoples..there was a foto of Andrea Boccelli with a Macbook in last Sundays Magazine of the Sunday Times UK…..
There already was a photo, but it wasn’t clear if it was her Mac: