Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisted: Megan Fox - Macenstein

Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisted: Megan Fox

Well, here’s something we can all be thankful for, pictures of Megan Fox and her iPhone. We’ve seen the two out together before, but somehow this is one celebrity couple we never grow tired of.

All I can say is thank God she wears outfits too tight to fit an iPhone, or we would have no excuse to print these. (By the way, wtf is up with her boots?)


13 Responses to “Celebrity Mac Chick Sighting Revisted: Megan Fox”
  1. Grinzing says:

    Excuse me. But where’s the iPhone ?

    That white thing ? How can you tell ?

  2. sinder112 says:

    Wow. She is quite attractive.

  3. Hey she could be wearing skinned, bloody baby seals on her feet and she’d still be F’ing hot

  4. Big League Chew says:

    Now there’s a chick who I wish would give me a Gobbler!!!

  5. Imagine Engine says:

    She’s a very stunning woman 😉

  6. goobi says:

    I don’t care whether that white thing is an iPhone or not. Thank you Mac Doc for posting this! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. Guys, it’s an iPhone. I’m as sure of it as I am that she should be dating me.

  8. Jack says:

    Yummy 🙂 I always wanted a white iPhone case 🙂

  9. darrell says:

    who doesn’t love megan fox. i don’t get the white case for a white iPhone though.

  10. mangochutney says:

    This woman is sizzling hot. All I can say.

  11. funky says:

    The boots? What are those glasses?! I hope she got them for free the eye doctor after having her eyes dilated.

    She could be wearing a hospital smock and still be incredible, though.

  12. Raul says:

    Photos like these are why I love this site. Keep up the great posts, Doc! 😀

  13. Matt says:

    THATS NOT MEGAN FOX!!!!! The girl is very pretty, but its NOT Megan Fox. Unless Megan Fox got facial surgery along with the purchase of her iPhone…..

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