Hilary Duff and her iPhone exit her giant car… again - Macenstein

Hilary Duff and her iPhone exit her giant car… again

Man, I don’t think even I have my iPhone on me as much as Hillary Duff. Given her near daily photographing with it, I really hope she got a free one. Actually, I don’t. I wish I got a free one. Oh well. At least this time she seems to have held on to it.

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader MILE for the tip!
[via UseMyComputer]

4 Responses to “Hilary Duff and her iPhone exit her giant car… again”
  1. solaris7 says:

    wow! she does look hot in this one

  2. imajoebob says:

    Not to be a dic- uh, jerk, but when was the last time she actually worked?

  3. Sasuke says:

    She is so kind and beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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