How can two blondes bouncing on a bed with iPhones not be interesting?
THIS is how. Watch these two girls demo the iPhone app “Pocket Jockey“, and see if you can keep the sound on for more than 30 seconds.
Above: Redefining “annoying”.
THIS is how. Watch these two girls demo the iPhone app “Pocket Jockey“, and see if you can keep the sound on for more than 30 seconds.
They could play “two player” on me.
Most annoying voices ever.
the bouncing and spanking was cool
I’m not sure which is my favorite, “5, 3, 4,…” or “whip it!”
When are Americans ever going to get a decent accent?
I would prefer to hear someone scratching a blackboard than listen to whiney nasally American accents.
James Bond could never EVER sound cool with an American accent. EVER
They are the reason some animals eat their young! (=_=);
Yep, all Americans have the same accent. Just like all British people do.
No accent can improve a dumb-ass comment like that.
That might just make me desig a new iPhone app.
Bitch Slap, Pimp Slap, or bitch please.
When the phone is moved it makes a SMACK sound and a voice says something appropriate like; “BITCH BE COOL!”
Dave-O, jokes on you I’m neither.
British have cool accents no matter where you go and they’re not whiny and nasally ANYWHERE.
Considering most people’s access to Americans is via TV and most of the TV shows come from California, New York (worst of the lot), and Chicago then my comment was not a dumb ass comment.
At least we know about other nations. You lot can’t even find your own on the map.