How to: Turn a Fuji Apple into a McIntosh - Macenstein

How to: Turn a Fuji Apple into a McIntosh

The best way I have found to trick a kid into drinking milk is to throw some food coloring in the glass. Somehow, food that looks wrong is just more fun to eat. So odds are that these Fuji Apples, which have been grown with images of the iPod and Apple logo on them, will be big hits with the traditionally fruit-phobic tech crowd.

apple logo on apples

Yes, these are definitely cool, and if you want to make some of your own, we have prepared a simple “How-to guide” that should have you up and running in no time!

apple logo on apples

Step 1:
Buy an Apple orchard. (This is the easiest step).

apple logo on apples

Step 2: Meticulously cut out some Apple shaped stickers by hand. You’ll need about 1000 or so.

apple logo on apples

Step 3: Go around from Apple to Apple, applying the stickers about 1 month before the apples ripen.

apple logo on apples

Step4: Wait a month, then pick those 1000 Apples and remove the stickers.

Step5: You’re done! You are now free to sell the apples for $5000 each to recoup your investment!

[Blog! NOBON via Cult of Mac]

3 Responses to “How to: Turn a Fuji Apple into a McIntosh”
  1. nuvs says:

    Brilliant! You should patent this idea…

  2. Aron T says:

    This could be really useful if you actually had an Apple orchard…

    Imagine having your reception area stocked with apples featuring your company’s logo! Or selling a house that has a basket of apples with the realtor’s name on them!

  3. Jonro says:

    If you can make a “Jesus” apple, you can sell it for $10,000 on eBay.

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