Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (November 2008): Becky Ellis
Welcome to Macenstein‘s “Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with the lovely Becky Ellis , a full-time student and part-time model from Liverpool, and of course, full-time Mac Chick!

“At the moment I am a full time student and a part time professional model studying Science and Health Care – hopefully next year I will be at Liverpool University training to be an Orthoptist. Anyway, enough of the boring stuff, now to show my more geeky side 🙂 ”

“The first Apple product that I ever had was back in the day when the equivalent to an iPod Nano was an iPod Mini, I put it on my Christmas list and sure enough ‘Father Christmas’ got it for me. ”

“My favourite Apple product would have to be a fight between my 20†2.66GHz iMac and my 4GB mint green iPod nano. It’s just too hard to decide because they both offer so much. I mean the iMac is where I do all my college work so without it I would be in a bit of a sticky situation and without the iPod blasting out my favourite tunes boredom would seriously take over.”

More Pictures as well as Desktop Wallpaper on Page 2!
She is a very worthy Mac Chick. Thanks for posting so early in the month. By the way, poolside computing? Inspired. Risky but inspired.
So, she has a Macbook, a Macbook Pro, an iMac, an iPod and an iPhone 3G? And a sticker that sais “I love vodka”?
And there’s threeeee wallpapers?
This site keeps getting better and better every day. 😉
I think it’s an iBook, but yes Alex, our site rocks.
-The Doc
My god… Marvellous
Rule Britannia Indeed! ;p
Finally, a British MacChick, and gorgeous too. Well done.
“may I ask a Brazilian model who loves apple produtcs and is aa good friend of mine, to send her pictures to the doc??””
Yes or no??
Do these pictures has Mac in them? 😛
My boyfriend and I are huge Mac fans and both love the site. I know he loves this mac chicks, as well. Is it possible I could send some pics in to be a Mac chick and surprise him on this site? That would totally rock….
But we don’t get to see anything of her from the waist down !
I just lurrrve English chicks…mmmm… 😉
Great to see my work appreciated guys! This MCOTM was indeed a very good find 🙂
I don’t believe this Mac Chick actually owned any of these devices, save for maybe an iPod. She may be hot, but where’s the wet hair? The truly good sultry photography? Last months was better & more believable!
Which MacBook is this white one without a sticker of one of the wallpapers? There were is the girl on the bed?
What’s an orthoptist? Can’t be someone who straightens teeth, because they don’t have any of those in the UK.
Not that hot…
she’s whiter than her macbook.. british women.. ^^