First “Adults only” game hits iTunes – Amateur Surgeon - Macenstein

First “Adults only” game hits iTunes – Amateur Surgeon

Cartoon Network’s Amateur Surgeon is the first iPhone game that we’ve seen that has garnered the highly feared/highly coveted “Rated 17+” rating, and it looks well deserved. Check out this listing:

Amateur Surgeon iphone

“Use precision instruments such as a pizza cutter, salad tongs, stapler, and car battery to hack your way through thirty different procedures and be the surgeon that your parents always knew you would never become. ”

Rated 17+ for the following:
Frequent/Intense Mature/Suggestive Themes
Infrequent/Mild Horror/Fear Themes
Frequent/Intense Profanity or Crude Humor
Frequent/Intense Cartoon or Fantasy Violence
Infrequent/Mild Sexual Content or Nudity
Infrequent/Mild Realistic Violence
Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References

Sounds like a winner. All that’s missing is “Mild/Intense Bestiality”.

Amateur Surgeon iphone

Amateur Surgeon iphone

Given that a couple other apps have been pulled recently from the store due to adult content, it is unclear why this title is special, other than it has a big name behind it.

6 Responses to “First “Adults only” game hits iTunes – Amateur Surgeon”
  1. Richard says:


    Not available in the australian store..

    damn you australia..

  2. ERIC says:

    The fact that this kind of stuff is even produced saddens me. Why this type of stuff is entertainment to some should really concern us as decent people.

  3. Larry says:

    I agree with ERIC. Some people are running out of ideas and must resort to mutilation of the human body for amusement.

  4. Lennart says:

    Not available in the DK store either. Damn, I wanna try it!

    Eric and Larry: Damn.. Relax.. It’s a game! I hope you havnt seen Happy Tree Friends.. That whould probaly offense you even more 😀

  5. nitlb says:

    @eric and larry

    Are you kidding me? OU guys are ridiculous.

  6. ach says:

    Eric & Larry,
    maybe you two should discuss the issue further while spanking each others rosy cheeks. ‘..should really concern us decent people’ are you demented?

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