Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (December 2008): Aerin - Macenstein - Page 3

Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (December 2008): Aerin




“I think I fell in love (lust?) with Apple gear my freshman year of college while I was working at a local music store for the Christmas season – the store was right across from a Mac Store! During all of my breaks I would slip over to the store to browse the newest products…. And to check out the hot Mac guys!”



More Pictures as well as Desktop Wallpaper on Page 4!

77 Responses to “Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (December 2008): Aerin”
  1. Tom H says:

    What an amazing Girl! Very Beautiful and so photogenic! You made my day seeing these wonderful pictures!
    Happy New Year and I hope to see more of you in the future!

  2. Bob says:

    My day has just been “Made by Mac” a little better.

  3. Paul says:

    Love that smile and that tight curvy body makes me very, well…. you know, haha!

  4. J7Photo says:

    WOW! Sexy! Sexy! Sexy! Always do love your work.

  5. Paul Wesley says:

    Aerin is stunningly beautiful and would have to be the Mac Chick of all time.

  6. Wayne Campbell says:

    She’s a MacBabe, She’s a fox. In French she would be called “la renarde” and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her.

  7. Nelson Motta says:

    I enterelly support you lol…



  8. John David says:

    Thisd is all the reason you need to become a MAC user!!!

  9. Tim Morgan says:

    The first two are my favorite. 🙂

  10. Tony Roberts says:

    All are my favorites. The geek squad has to step it up now!

  11. Bob says:

    She’s a 10
    Just like her OS!

  12. Imagine Engine says:

    Such a beautiful woman that resembles a work of art. Only thing missing is a bottle of warm massage oil, strawberries and wipped cream 🙂

  13. What’s on her iPod?

  14. Glen Foster says:

    Just wanted to let you know that these photos are great as well.

    My wife, 4 daughters and myself are all Mac Users.

    Mac Book Pro, iMac 20 inch & iMac 24 inch Computers, iPods, iTouch, iPhones, iEverything.

    Take care Aerin,


  15. Meka Mulan says:

    A true Mac fan!

    Meka Mulan


  16. ok ok I will be a MAC. TODAY
    Does that amazing woman help with the set up or is that extra.

    some geek squad!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Jeff Rawk says:

    If these don’t make some want to run out and buy a Mac I don’t know what will.

  18. Seems Like You Having Lots Of Fun At The Beach Beautiful Careful Not To Get Any Sand On Your Computer! But If You Need A Hand You Know Where To Find Me!:)

  19. Martin says:

    Stunning Mac model. She is beautiful…not a bad computer either,


  20. Bridgette says:

    wow! i just cant get enough! i’ve got to have more!!!beganimpoi

  21. Lightning tiger says:

    Well, if i knew Santa’s helper comes with a Mac, I would have bought one!!!! Really i would have, Santa….I promise i will be good

  22. J Dub says:

    this has to be Santa’s and Mac hottest helper…
    does she do house calls too…i think my computer is not functioning properly at the moment

  23. Nicole says:

    You are truly gorgeous.

  24. Sam-Anderson says:

    you’re fantastic girl, everything is perfect! looks like someone works out too – schmoking !

  25. Stephanie says:

    you are so beautiful! last pic on this page is definitely my favorite.

  26. Hermann says:

    She’s a very hot and beautiful Mac Chick. Very good for the year’s end. I hope 2009 will bring more Chick like Aerin

  27. Mike says:

    How do we get a picture of a Mac chick for a 110 x 80 pixel FaceBook ad?

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