Macenstein’s “Mac Chick of the Month” (December 2008): Aerin
Welcome to Macenstein‘s Mac Chick of the Month”. Each month we feature a different die-hard, Mac-loving girl who is (almost) as well designed as the Apple products they love. This month we present you with an unprecedented 4 pages (And 2 of the hottest desktop wallpapers we’ve ever seen!) of the lovely Aerin, a Model / Copywriter / Graphic Designer, and of course, full-time Mac Chick!

“Hi! My name is Aerin and I’m a native of stunning and sunny Florida! I’m a 24 year old Model, Copywriter, and Graphic Designer. I have a Master’s Degree in English and could not have gotten through school without my MacBook! I wrote so many papers on it that I am surprised there’s any memory left, but so far so good! ”

Living in such a beautiful, warm climate demands that my electronics are portable – who wants to spend their days cooped up in an office when there’s an entire beach to explore?!

More Pictures as well as Desktop Wallpaper on Page 2!
Thanks Doc! Oh, by the way, I think you put wrong link ( under those non-desktop pictures. Happy new year!
Damn! Nice smile, nice body, nice arse…Damn!
Thanks Min, fixed it!
-The Doc
In the last pic, 1st page, she looks exactly like iJustine. Only without the bug eyes and weird makeup.
Wow, is there anything wrong with that Girl Next Door! Wow Wow WOW!
… Holy Hotness!
Hmm, it’s quite cold this year in Europe. These pictures let me long for the summer. At least it gives my mac a little comfort, a warm fuzzy feeling just by displaying her on the screen. I lub her smile! She is cutesy that way
This girl rocks my world…you picked a winner for sure! She is yummylicious!!!
WOW!!! I am a Russian model, and I think this girl was a Russian ,when I saw pictures….she is amazing!
Ah, I guess a little too hot for my iPhone. She crashed my Safari browser for the first time!!
So sweet MacChick of the Month.
Thanks, nice pictures !
Oh, I’m Russian too.
Russian to the bathroom with my new Mac Book! (lol)
How do I get my own mac chick?
Lovely chick, and lovely hardware and lovely weather… perfect!
Great shots! Because Santa’s operations are so efficient, it makes sense his helpers use macs.
She’d still be hotter with a desktop… though I think that’d cause massive amounts of trauma as blood rushed from my head… so maybe it’s okay she’s no hotter.
WOW!! I think Aerin is the most natural beauty I’ve seen in a long time. I’d love to spend an afternoon with her while listen to music from my Ipod!!
Thank you ! and a wonderful return to the whole concept of it all.
nice tattoo
Looking great! can’t wait to work with ya!
PCs really do suck! I guess she would be an Ibabe
Wonderful article, Aerin!
You look fantastic in your tiny bikinis!
Truly yours,
Nice work!
Steve Jobs would be proud
simply love it,.. great natural look
Sweet Sweet Sweet
Aerin is a Mac user/lover too?!! Now I’m really in Love!
Lovely Mac Girl!!!!
Nice clean All American Girl, Love it! No excessive make up, pure natural beauty. Well done! And Wow does she actually have natural……!
Wow! Aerin you look stunning in your photo layout. Drop me an email when you get a second letting me know if you would like to meet up for drinks or lunch down there.
LOVE HER!!!!!!! When I buy my next Mac do I get her too?!
This model is insanely hot!!
She is smoking hot!!
and to just let you guys know she is not just a beautifual face and body; she is really sweet too!! Perfect combo!!
Great work hun 09 looks bright got you, good luck all the best
Wow, Great shots, great poses! Would you mind shooting with my old powerbook?
Stunning. Beautiful American Girl. Classy and Sexy all in one
Absolutely STUNNING!!
Aerin is an excellent example of beauty AND brains! The photo spread here is simply beautiful and very sexy! I wish her well in her modeling future!
Rustic Road Photography
You have a great look.Love this series.
Good luck with your modeling!
Ok, thats it I need to get a mac.
Aerin is your best Mac Chick to date IMO. She is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks so much for having more than one wallpaper, she is the perfect desktop Christmas present! Thanks!
She’s hot.. for sure.
But please forgive me if I believe that more than a MacLady she’s more a professional model for the lingerie’s brand she’s wearing.
At her myspace place, you may find some good interesting links about it.
BTW, she’s very very hot…
I am in love!!!
wow–what a perfect set–one of the most beautiful and sexy women on the net–just great posing and what a gorgeous smile–these light up my sometimes dull world–awesome job
you def need to write for IMAGE
Almost as well-designed as a Mac? I say way better designed!
Wow Doc, she’s gorgeous! I’d have to say she’s made my Top 5 MCotM list.
Relevant message, quality product, hot respectable model hook, hardcore consumer worthy!
Oooohhh, stop it baby, you are killing me!! Nah, can’t get enough!!!
Gorgeous lady! Love the images! Her smile, looks & expressios are a killer!
ridiculously sexy!