“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 22 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 22

[Thank you, we have a winner. This contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Antonio!]

On the Twenty-Second Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Simplifi from Griffin Technology!

Griffin Simplifi

ugh… Here’s yet another prize I wish I could keep! (Note to self, next time ask for two of everything). You guys are lucky I like you… well, most of you…

The Simplifi is a triple threat, and then some! It’s a charge/sync dock for iPods and iPhones, a media card reader, and 2-Port USB hub, all rolled into a sleek, space-saving design. De-clutter the top of your desk and simplify your digital life with Simplifi … one compact unit that handles your iPhone, iPod, USB connections, and all kinds of media cards, including Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SD, SDHC, xD and CF (CompactFlash). Click here to check it out.

To enter: Since the Simplifi is designed to simplify your digital life, simply leave us a comment telling us what one thing do you think would simplify your REAL life? (aside from the Simplifi, of course). Winner will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

430 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 22”
  1. maxi says:

    Amazing Girlfriend

  2. Joseph says:

    Being able to use a non-physical computer.

  3. Joe says:

    An NO BS button

  4. Sampers says:

    a robot that takes everything you need

  5. toblo says:

    cut n paste in iphone

  6. iShervin says:

    1 Key

    one key:
    to start my car
    to open my house door
    to open my room door
    to open my work locker
    to open my bicycle lock
    to …

  7. Ronny says:

    a Jetsons house

  8. Joe says:

    A butler, dressed in a tux and who is also knowledgeable with my web 2.0 social community life

  9. dlowe402 says:

    My life would be made much simpler with a MacSexRobot Pro!

  10. Paul says:

    To be bailed out by our fine government!

  11. Lee says:

    A few extra hours each day would be nice

  12. Thierry says:

    6 months of vacation per year….

  13. imalk13 says:

    program that got my work assignments for me. i need to learn how to program…

  14. Steve says:

    A Promotion to Emperor of the Universe

  15. MacTipper says:

    Instant knowledge of everything I should know/no more school. 🙂

  16. JorgeLuisBorges says:

    Undo button

  17. giantmike says:

    A Home media center that didn’t require me to have 2 million connections to my tv.

  18. Domingo says:

    “The remote control”

  19. Tyler says:

    Wireless Charging

  20. darrell says:

    a photographic memory

  21. bc says:

    a 3 day work week

  22. jeremy says:

    I already have an iPhone, so I’d have to say WiFi everywhere.

  23. jonro says:

    A robot, not one of those remote control fakes, but an autonomous robot that could act as a personal assistant.

  24. Steve519 says:

    Having more money

  25. Ken says:

    Here are a few things that would simplify my life:
    My frozen car starting when I go out to check on it after lunch (it didn’t start yesterday after work, but it didn’t break 0 degrees yesterday).
    My mom’s car would start when I get there this weekend to give it a jump (her battery was dead before the sub-zero temperatures).
    I would get the Captcha’s that I could actually read.
    I could get a cell phone with a speaker-phone.

  26. Sean says:

    A clone of myself, maybe actually two. The second could even be like “Steven” from Multiplicity

  27. kenny says:

    winning megamillions

  28. macsimilian says:

    a personal intern

  29. Turk says:

    an assistant

  30. Dave-O says:

    A pause button.

  31. tony says:

    A universal charger for all my gadgets

  32. hito says:

    Dock for ide Hard Drive

  33. Double U says:

    beeing a true wizard

  34. Phil says:

    A mute button for my teenage daughter.

  35. Gilberto says:


  36. Jasper Fung says:

    that remote thing from the movie click

  37. Scottij says:

    Simplify my life? Ugh, a bigger house.

  38. Connor says:

    simplify my wife!

  39. MarkC says:

    MacBook Pro

  40. ipod-black says:

    an iPhone!!!!
    Simply see where all my lectures are, having my emails with me, play games in boring lectures, surf the internet in boring lectures….

  41. RJ says:

    Finding my lost 32gig iPod Touch

  42. Killer's Dad says:

    Wireless EVERYTHING! Yes, I even want the power to jump out of the wall to charge my MacBook Pro wirelessly!

  43. Fleshman03 says:

    If people actually knew how to use their computers and stopped asking me to fix every little freaking thing

  44. ljohnson says:

    money, money, money…

  45. John says:

    About four more hours in each day.

  46. Wiseguy says:

    a 48-hour day where I still worked 40-hour weeks and required 8 hours of sleep per night

    That extra day each day would really help!

  47. Chuck says:

    Hitting the lottery for about 50 mil would be a nice start.

  48. James says:

    More time would simplify my life.

  49. whaps says:

    not having to worry about complicated IRS tax forms


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