“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 22 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 22

[Thank you, we have a winner. This contest is now closed. Congratulations to faithful Macenstein reader Antonio!]

On the Twenty-Second Day After Christmas, Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) A Simplifi from Griffin Technology!

Griffin Simplifi

ugh… Here’s yet another prize I wish I could keep! (Note to self, next time ask for two of everything). You guys are lucky I like you… well, most of you…

The Simplifi is a triple threat, and then some! It’s a charge/sync dock for iPods and iPhones, a media card reader, and 2-Port USB hub, all rolled into a sleek, space-saving design. De-clutter the top of your desk and simplify your digital life with Simplifi … one compact unit that handles your iPhone, iPod, USB connections, and all kinds of media cards, including Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, SD, SDHC, xD and CF (CompactFlash). Click here to check it out.

To enter: Since the Simplifi is designed to simplify your digital life, simply leave us a comment telling us what one thing do you think would simplify your REAL life? (aside from the Simplifi, of course). Winner will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

430 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 22”
  1. Steven says:

    winning the lottery

  2. sts says:

    the anti-procrastination pill

  3. Jess says:

    a clone to do everything that I don’t have time for

  4. Sebastian says:

    If only I were a cyborg life would be easier.

  5. Simon says:

    Having a Mac to work with at the office instead of a Winblows machine.

  6. Adam says:

    The car from Knight Rider.

  7. HardCharger says:

    A personal assistant. Or better stated….a Macenstein Mac Chick personal assistant.

  8. Erik says:

    that my company switches to mac platform completely
    (now I’m about the only with a mac on 800 people!)

  9. Erik says:

    it’s a Dull world 🙁

  10. Mark says:

    Well, have to say losing my job would vastly simplify my life >.<

  11. Bruce Y says:

    A GT-R to commute to work faster…

  12. Jeremy says:

    A “Pause/Freeze Frame” Button so I can get all the stuff I have to do completed and take LONG naps when I want to!

  13. Brian says:


  14. Adri says:

    A car that doesn’t need to have checked fluids, gas, engines. It should just work all the time

  15. baltimoresbest01 says:

    flying capabillities

  16. JCM says:

    No one/place running windows…

  17. Keyman says:

    Winning the lottery. Not exactly original, but it would simplify a number of things tremendously.

  18. harp says:

    Hulu in Canada!

  19. Mike Meyer says:

    Enough money that I didn’t have to have a job to keep up the supply of shiny gadgets.

  20. adam says:

    A million dollars…

  21. Bobbo says:

    I would get an iPhone

  22. Steve says:

    A personal shopper… I don’t mind buying things, I just hate looking for them (either online or in store)… I say what I want and they get it for me… That would be nice.

  23. Mike Major says:

    Winning the lottery!!

  24. Gidgidonihah says:

    I too would go the iPhone route. The end of my contract is coming up next month, too!

  25. Kate says:

    Being fabulously wealthy

  26. Matty says:

    A personal assistant

  27. awhatnot says:

    Finally use iCal

  28. Big Bubba says:

    finally get the kids out of the house.

  29. Rob says:

    a job

  30. velvet elvis says:

    one million dollars, mwa, mwaaaa…

  31. ghered douglas says:

    a robot

  32. Walter says:

    Love match.

  33. Tony Bricko says:

    Finally getting my entire CD collection ripped and into iTunes. I rarely even listen to anything I can’t get onto my iPod.

  34. Josh says:

    Getting all of my photos and videos of the kids organized on my home server. I have been working on it for 3 nights now.

  35. Wesley says:

    A Palm Pre! 😀

  36. Wesley says:

    The sound of my tummy, when i’m hungry!


  37. Alastair says:

    A clone of myself.

  38. wischi says:

    A good document scanner with automatic OCR and archiving

  39. RonW says:

    A worm hole between my house and my office. Then it would just be a couple of steps between my house and my office, but the office building would still be 30 miles away and not spoiling the neighborhood.

  40. Greg Sutton says:

    Fewer choices.

  41. Frank says:

    A robotic butler that’s powered by a miniature nuclear reactor

  42. Cyxodus says:

    Having my card game hit store shelves. =)

  43. Roberto says:

    Analog Design

  44. Sergio Montelongo says:

    a person who takes notes in class for me.

  45. Kensei says:

    transporters. i spend over 2 hours commuting to work every day YUK!!!


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