“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 25 - Macenstein

“The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 25

On the Twenty-Fifth Day After Christmas (or is it the first Day of Martin Luther King Jr. Day?), Macenstein gave to you (or, more accurately, gave you a chance to win…) an Elevator Desktop Stand for Personal Computers from Griffin!

Elevator Desktop Stand for Personal Computers

I love this thing. Not only does it look cool and help show off your laptop, it actually serves a couple legitimate purposes as well. The Elevator lifts your laptop off your desk, allowing you to reclaim valuable desktop space, while at the same time raising the screen to a more comfortable, ergonomically friendly viewing height. And, by “elevating” your laptop, you also allow for a 360Ëš airflow which will help keep your computer running cooler (and as any MacBook owner knows, Macs may look cool, but they don’t run cool). Elevator’s sturdy brushed aluminum and minimal design go great with any desk decor, and Elevator holds your portable computer safely and securely at just the right height to match external monitors – and to save your aching neck.

To enter: Speaking of neck strain, this morning I took a comically bad face plant while sledding and really hurt my neck (sorry, no video, but it basically looked like this). So to enter this contest, simply leave us a comment telling us what is the worst injury you have ever sustained? Winners will be picked randomly 7 days later and notified (kind of like in The Ring, only with less killing… we hope). Open to all readers world-wide. Good luck, and thanks for reading Macenstein! (Oh, and be sure to enter ALL our “12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaways!)
Please note: Comments may take a while to show up, please do not double-post. Thanks!

358 Responses to ““The 12 Days AFTER Christmas” Giveaway: Day 25”
  1. Sergio Montelongo says:

    broken ankle

  2. baltimoresbest01 says:

    broken arm

  3. Matthijs says:

    Broke my arm twice at the some spot

  4. Nathan says:

    I had my arm fractured.

  5. velvet elvis says:

    when i was 15, my dog came running down a hill, hit my leg and knocked me over. i landed on my left wrist and buckled it. now my left arm is about half and inch shorter than my right.

  6. adam says:

    I ran into some aluminum bleachers while avoiding being hit during a sun flower spitting contest. It split open my knee, but all I got was about 7 stitches.

    I also got hit in the head with the fin of a surfboard the first time I tried surfing and even though it was bleeding my roommate and I stopped to get milk before going to the emergency room to get five staples put in.

  7. iShervin says:

    got my right hand thumb cut in half! (big metal door) but they put it together in hospital 😀

  8. Jeremy says:

    Torn ACL when playing flag football in the rain. Thought I could stop a guy twice the size of me (very built) who was part of the championship team the year prior. Needless to say, he won.

  9. Ricardo Giesta says:

    Broke my wrist while playing soccer…

  10. Ben says:

    Stitches on my chin, from faceplanting on ice.

  11. Sampers says:

    my knees, they are realy messed up, fell a little to many times with the dirtbike

    most recently: broken scaffoid (two places) when running for the bus 😛

  12. Kate says:

    Broken heart…. sigh.

  13. James says:

    Every morning I kept finding blood on the far corner of my eye and didn’t know why. After a week of this I woke up as I was falling out of bed and dashed the side of my face on my bedside table. Took an hour for the bleeding to stop and thankfully didn’t permanently damage my eye.

  14. Max says:

    Sliced my head open. Skull could be seen, there was much blood, and I had a lit of stitches put in to ensure it didn’t pop open..

  15. brian says:

    bike accident TBI from hitting head

  16. Jess says:

    Broken arm from rollerblading when I was in the 5th grade haha

  17. MartinM says:

    Broken leg 🙂 That’s it!

  18. Scottij says:

    I went over the handlebars of my bike once and lost a lot of skin on my arm and knee. Ouch.

  19. jonro says:

    Rollerblading. Sprained my hand very badly. It was black and blue for about a month.

  20. Matthew Smith says:

    I had a hernia one time

  21. Doug says:

    Got a big cut on my arm as a kid. Big knife fight with a gang of hoodlums. Or maybe it was falling on a planter in our yard, hard to remember. Still have a 4 inch raised scar to this day. Used to convince kids I had a worm in my arm.

  22. Adri says:

    I got some stitches on my knee because of a cut while I was p;aying in the floor.

  23. Mushii says:

    Prolapsed penis

  24. JJ says:

    Hamstring injury. Been fighting it for a year.

  25. Keyser Soze says:

    Rotator Cuff . . . Ouch!

  26. I’ve been smashed in my car by a woman, beside me, who didn’t noticed that we weren’t on a highway anymore. Hurt. (Especially for her own car. Mine is a rock)

  27. Minimum91 says:

    I broke My Boner (Not really), I never had any serious injuries really. except for the 10 times I fell over my bikes front and landed on my head.

  28. kevin says:

    compressed my spine in the gym lifting too much weight. Couldn’t stand for almost a month and i still have episodes when i stand for long periods of time or sit in uncomfortable chairs.

  29. Kevin L says:

    When I was a little kid, I ran into the corner of a cinder block and busted my head open. Ouch.

  30. Steven Grimes says:

    Had a railroad crosstie fall and land on my head. Was a major concussion.

  31. Bobby says:

    Split the back of my skull open when I was 3.

  32. flunkycarter says:

    Worst injury evar: Hit by a drunk driver, flown 30 feet, then run over with. When I was three. It’s all uphill from there 😀

  33. Paul Cheezem says:

    I dislocated my kneecap.

  34. Dowd says:

    Shredded my MCL while snowboarding.

  35. brent guiliano says:

    groin tear from hockey

  36. Domingo says:

    I fell of a bike and cut my wrist with a broken old pipe. I needed four stitches

  37. Roberto says:

    I broke my head 5 times

  38. Rafael Barbosa says:

    I was skateboarding and I broke my arm.

  39. WFT says:

    ive been pretty lucky, however i did (i was eleven) get hit in the head 10 times with a different kind of ball each time

  40. Hermann says:

    When i was 18 i was in a car crash en route to the university campus on a rainy day. The car flip over the left side and I had the flesh of my right arm partially burned by the contact with the pavement and a lot of glass was spread all over and inside my skin. It requires a mini surgery to remove part of the glass, and a few weeks to recover from the injury.

  41. Manuel says:

    One day… I broke a nail

  42. Gina says:

    I was running full tilt when I tripped and scraped up half of my face, my hand, and my knees… I looked like two face for a couple of weeks.

  43. Mihai Neacsu says:

    Broke both my arms.

  44. Greg Sutton says:

    Not much. Took a very fast cricket ball to the inner thigh once.

  45. Brenner Spear says:

    sprained bth my ankles at the same time and had to use a wheel chair

  46. Connie Tran says:

    I once was stepped on extremely hard by a girl’s stilettos.

  47. alex says:

    While chasing my girlfriend down the stairs, I broke my ankle.

    Don’t know why I was chasing her.

  48. John says:

    i broke the tip of my index finger playing softball.

  49. Matt says:

    toenail ripped off

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