A “Category 5 Engrish Storm” hits iTunes - Macenstein

A “Category 5 Engrish Storm” hits iTunes

We’ve seen a lot of ENGRISH on the iTunes App store, but we’ve never hit a Category 5 Engrish Storm until now. Behold Japanese OMiKuJi. I’m not even sure after reading this that its developers chose “English” as the “to” language when they ran Google Translate. Although I will admit, it could just be a clever marketing tactic, as Lord knows I am dying to “meet the pigging”, whatever the hell that is.

OMIKUJI is the slip to divine a fortune at the shrine and the Buddhist temple in Japan and so on.
It receives a slip with the number which was written down to one broth, the stick from the hole with the small short side of the box in the stick,
brandishing the box which a thin stick was included in.
It is written with the outline of the fortune and the fortune word of “Excellent LUCK, Middle LUCK, Small LUCK, LUCK, UNLUCKY, FATALITY”
and so on at the slip and the individual fortune of “the urge”, “The person who wants to meet”, “The lost one”, “the travel”, “the business”,
“the learning”, “the trade”, “the conflict thing”, “the love”, “the removal”, “the pigging”, “the sickness”, “the marriage proposal” is written down.
Also, a summation song, too, is attached to the explanation of the fortune.
There is habitude which links the OMIKUJI after reading with the branch of the tree and so on and burns it.
This application (OMiKuJi) is the one which was always made to be able to take OMIKUJI casually even if it doesn’t go to the shrine and the Buddhist temple and so on.

How to take a OMIKUJI :

You must be take a OMIKUJI, Because you doesn’t have OMIKUJI at first.
The OMIKUJI can have only one sheet at once.

(1) Tap [Take a OMiKuJi.] button on the First Screen.
When you have the OMIKUJI, it can’t tap.
please tap [Links OMiKuJi with the tree.] or [Burns OMiKuJi.] button.
(2) With the Screen of OMIGOKORO box, It shakes on either side and It mixes in a Stick.
(3) Turns down the Screen of the OMIGOKORO box.
The Stick appears with the effect sound by 1 – 2 seconds.
(4) tap the Screen of the OMIGOKORO box, ToolBar is displayed under the screen.
[Look] button becoming enabled if it is being possible to take the OMIKUJI.

How to look a OMIKUJI :

If take a OMIKUJI, in either of the following ways, You can look the OMIKUJI.
If it pushes a home button, Restarting this application (OMiKuJi), You can look the OMIKUJI too.

(5) Tap [Look] button on ToolBar under the Screen of OMIGOKORO box.
The OMIKUJI is display to the full screen.
(6) Returns to the First Screen, by Tap [Done] button on ToolBar under the Screen of OMIGOKORO box.
and Tap [Look a OMiKuJi.] button.
The OMIKUJI is display to the full screen.
(7) It scrolled displays the OMIKUJI in doing a drag.
(8) It expansion/reduces displaying when there is a pinch.
(9) tap the Screen of the OMIKUJI, ToolBar is displayed under the screen.
Returns to the First Screen, by Tap [Done] button on the ToolBar.

How to release a OMIKUJI :

The OMOKUJI after taking can be released in the following way.
With this, You can take a OMIKUJI once more.

(10) Tap [Links OMiKuJi with the tree.] button on the First Screen.
The Animation Screen is displayed, like the motif which was to link up with the tree.
(11) Tap [Burns OMiKuJi.] button on the First Screen.
The Animation Screen is displayed, like the motif which was to burns the slip.
(12) tap the Animation Screen, or It passes for several seconds,
ToolBar is displayed under the screen.
Returns to the First Screen, by Tap [Done] button on the ToolBar.

OK, everyone got it? Let’s play!

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Dan for the tip!

11 Responses to “A “Category 5 Engrish Storm” hits iTunes”
  1. Mark says:

    What seems to be the problem? 😉

  2. imageek says:

    That hurt my brain trying to read that. After last night, thats not saying much.. .but yeah.. wtf??

  3. Alex says:

    If you want to try something trippy, copy some of the text, go to Google translator, and translate it back into Japanese. Then translate that text into English again. Woah dude, woah.

  4. Jonro says:

    You had me at Screen of OMIGOKORO.

  5. Ken Sena says:

    My brain hurts as well.. woah…

  6. MacSheikh says:

    What? You mean you guys don’t understand what they’re saying? It’s so simple…

  7. odin says:

    Okay so if the slip is Excellent Luck and the stick is The Pigging, you get bacon. A lot of bacon.

  8. Smorgasbord says:

    With some of the English instructions for some things, this translation might be easier to understand than the English version.

  9. Llama Fragments says:

    “At the altar of God OMIKUJI property, and in Japan from slipping into a Buddhist temple” Is what you get when you go from English to Japanese to German to a bunch of other languages to Vietnamese to Greek to English in the Google translator.

  10. Yoshimitsu says:

    Transrate to engrish my job is. Sorry for confusion. Next time maybe better engrish transration. Your forgiveness prease…

  11. Xav says:

    “Transrate to engrish my job is. Sorry for confusion. Next time maybe better engrish transration. Your forgiveness prease…”


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