Games you should be playing: geoDefense - Macenstein

Games you should be playing: geoDefense


The “tower defense” genre just got a whole lot harder. Behold geoDefenseicon, easily the hardest, yet one of the coolest, tower defense games on the iPhone/iPod touch I have played, and we have two FREE CODES to give away (details below).

The super-cool explosions and “warps” are extremely cool, and stills don’t do them justice.

geoDefense is a somewhat unique take on the tower defense genre, and has some of the coolest vector-based visuals I have seen to date on the iPhone. You have a choice of 5 towers (Gatling, laser, missile, electric, and the super cool vortex). What might appear to be simplistic graphics, when viewed as stills are in reality some of the smoothest and most beautiful I’ve seen in a while. The screen “warps” with each explosion, and as faceless as the bad guys are, they each seem to have a personality of their own (and you’ll hate all of them).

geoDefense has a great sense of humor (if not a great grasp of spelling). The relentless taunts only make you want to try all the harder to beat the level.

The gameplay gets extremely fast and furious, and there is real strategy involved in most levels – tower placement is extremely important. You can’t “cheat” like in other TD games by pausing the game to place and upgrade your towers, so you need to keep a watchful eye on the countdown clock and time your upgrades carefully.



I’m ashamed to say that I have yet to defeat a level on the “medium” difficulty setting, but that didn’t stop me from staying up until 2:40 AM last night trying to beat the “Speed Round” level. To be honest I’m not even sure it IS possible to beat all these levels, but I love this game, as frustrating as it is. If you like Tower Defense games, or even if you’re just a gamer looking for a challenge, then geoDefenseicon is a game you should be playing NOW.

Oh, the free copies

At the moment geoDefense is only 99ร‚ยข, but we know our readers are some of the cheapest individuals out there, so we spoke to David at Critical Thought Games who was nice enough to give us two free game codes for geoDefense to give away to our faithful readers. If you’d like one, leave us a comment below. (US iTunes store only folks). We’ll pick two random readers at 11:59PM EST tomorrow night.

66 Responses to “Games you should be playing: geoDefense”
  1. Nathan says:

    I’d like a code. this seems like a cool game…

  2. johnthevulcan says:

    i read this site almost daily an im commenting for the first time for a free game….. i belong here…
    i hope i win, but good luck to the rest of you.

  3. Greg says:

    Looks good!

  4. Jason says:

    I’d like a code ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. sDeez says:

    This looks like one of the nicer tower defense-style games I’ve seen so far. I’d definitely like a code.

  6. Greg says:

    I’m interested – I’d like a code, too.

  7. David says:

    Never seen a game like this before… hope it’s as exciting as the pictures make it out to be!

  8. victor says:

    i would like a code also.

  9. Ian says:

    this game looks interesting. someone i know made hordes of orcs and i couldnt stop playing it. hopefully this one will be like that too ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Will says:

    Game looks amazing!

  11. Alan says:

    Game looks awesome. Please enter me into your raffle for a code.

  12. Prescott says:

    Code please!

    But yeah, the game looks really well designed.

  13. dave says:

    I’d like a code!

  14. Robert says:

    oh oh pick me!

  15. Fernando Castro says:

    I’ll use the code! ๐Ÿ˜›

  16. Ryan Powell says:

    That is one thing I could never shake with Fieldrunners – the feeling that pausing to build towers was cheating…

  17. Gabe says:

    I love the aesthetics! It reminds of Geometry wars and I LOVE tower defense games!!!!

  18. Mike says:

    /random = me

  19. Cristopher Willis says:

    :O When was the last time you stayed up until 2:40 in the morning for Fieldrunners?

    I absolutely HAVE to play this game. :]

  20. Marlon says:

    I want a code!!! LOL

    Seems pretty nice!

  21. Eric M. says:

    I really want a code for this!

  22. Michael says:

    Sounds fun!

  23. fractured says:

    I have mastered Field Runners and The Creeps. I think I’m ready. Please help me.

  24. Vagery says:

    This game looks really cool:) count me in for a code:)

  25. Josh says:

    ooh I love Rotowe r dfense games. I’d like a code

  26. edoreld says:

    All your codes belong to me!

  27. Brian S says:

    Looks like Geometry Wars for Xbox Live. Can I have a code please?

  28. David says:

    This game looks like an awesome take on tower defense type games. Can’t wait to check it out. I’ll be buying it whether or not I win the free code.

  29. Dick Applebaum says:

    Game sounds li would be just the thing for my grandkids grandfather!

  30. Tyler Kirtland says:

    This looks awesome!

  31. amudi says:

    free code FTW! me want!

  32. Jon P says:

    I’m pretty cheap, I wouldn’t mind a free code.

  33. HardCharger says:

    Free code please!

  34. JL says:

    it looks like geometry wars graphics! i love it, if I dont get the free code i’m going to download it anyway

  35. George says:

    Love the visuals. Seems like a steal at .99.

  36. Gabe says:

    I would to give it a try, I am always looking for the newest take on TD. And TD Atari style looks just awesome.

  37. bjorn says:

    I’d probly pay the .99 cents for it, but if i got a free code, that’d be even better

  38. Andrew Kelley says:

    Looks cool. I’ll take a code.

  39. MIke says:

    I’d like to check it out – tower defeense games seem to be the hot item recently, so the best of the current bunch should be something else.

  40. Bill Jobs says:

    Free code! I want it!

  41. apod says:

    Mad nice.

  42. .hugo says:

    this may be the game that gets me into iphone gaming!

  43. I would like a code ๐Ÿ™‚

  44. Eric says:

    pick me. pick me.

  45. Tim says:

    I’d love to try this thing.


  46. D'Juan says:

    I’d love to win this game!

    Thanks for the chance. ๐Ÿ˜€

  47. John says:

    nice….always like tower defense games.

  48. Vish says:

    I like tower games and I’m cheap! Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. Dropd says:

    ima code junkie?

  50. Mitch Preston says:

    I want a code please!

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